International Development

The Salvation Army International Development UK works alongside communities around the world to overcome poverty and injustice. 

As a unit of The Salvation Army in the United Kingdom and Ireland Territory we work in partnership with The Salvation Army in more than 20 countries to support the delivery of community development and emergency response projects. 

Photo of Ugandan lady smiling


Find out how you can get involved in our 2024 Helping-Hand Appeal.

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Emergency Response

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Anti Trafficking

What we do

Find out how we are working alongside communities around the world. Read stories from those who we have supported in countries like Uganda, Malawi and the Solomon Islands.

What we do

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Who We Are

Meet the team behind The Salvation Army International Development UK.

How We Work

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What You Can Do

Get ideas for fighting poverty & injustice with International Development UK.

International Projects Glimpse resource


Our new resource to help you plan an international trip with maximum positive impact for all involved.