Campaigning and policy

We campaign so that people who struggle to be heard are listened to by people who have the power to make a positive difference.

Our task is to harness the experience and expertise of our frontline service users and personnel in order to influence decision makers of all political persuasions.

The Salvation Army believes that a fairer society, which upholds and supports all marginalised people, actually benefits us all. We assert that our society will not work for anyone if it does not work for everyone.

Our main areas of campaigning

Captain Annmarie Gifford in full Salvation Army uniform
Time and time again Jesus came alongside individuals who were marginalised. By partnering with the policy unit, I have been able to advocate for the marginalised, lobby for change on their behalf and help their voices be heard by those in power.
Captain Annmarie Gifford

Campaigning against homelessness

Campaigning for jobs and income security

Campaigning to end modern slavery

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Giving people a voice

We speak to decision makers to lobby on issues effecting communities such as employment, poverty and homelessness.

Latest campaigns