The Big Connection

Our annual appeal to help communities across the UK.


Donate to The Big Connection and help someone in need today. Every penny supports people who are vulnerable or marginalised across the UK.

The Big Connection is our annual fundraising initiative for The Salvation Army’s Social Work Trust. The appeal is about more than just raising funds – it's about sharing our vision and inviting others to join our mission and raise money for our social and community programmes. This includes supporting people who are experiencing homelessness, providing specialist support for adult survivors of modern slavery, caring for older people in our residential care homes, and offering tailored support to help people become job-ready through Employment Plus.

Our local fundraisers take on the challenge in many ways – from bike rides, bake sales and fun runs, to supermarket and door-to-door collections.

You can donate online or by getting in touch with your local Salvation Army church to find out how they are fundraising this year 

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Tim, speaking with a volunteer/employee, sitting at a desk.
People never thought that it was possible for me to change. I didn’t either. But The Salvation Army has helped me break all the negative cycles in my life, making me a better person – and I will forever be grateful for that.
Tim, a Lifehouse resident.

Tim had a traumatic childhood and first took drugs in his early teens to blot out the pain. By the age of 18, he was addicted to drugs. Worse still, to pay for his drug habit, Tim turned to crime and spent many years in prison. Many people would think someone like Tim was a ‘hopeless case’ – but not The Salvation Army.  

The last time he came out of prison, Tim stayed in a number of hostels, but each time he came into contact with drug pushers and went back to his addiction. It was only when he was offered a place at a Salvation Army Lifehouse that things really started to change. He says: ‘It’s a safe haven here.’

Tim is receiving treatment for his addiction and our staff and volunteers are helping him find the strength to beat it. He says: ‘They have persisted with me when I needed it. They don’t back off and so I don’t take my foot off the pedal. I’m prepared and ready to tackle that fight, with The Salvation Army by my side. I feel like I can do it when I am here.’

Our team at the Lifehouse are also helping Tim become more independent, so that he can move into a home of his own and look for a job.  He says: ‘I’m trying to do normal things like budget, buy food and keep appointments.’

He adds: ‘People never thought that it was possible for me to change. I didn’t either. But The Salvation Army has helped me break all the negative cycles in my life, making me a better person – and I will forever be grateful for that.’ 

An image of someone putting money into a Salvation Army collection tin.

Big Connection resources

If you’re a Salvationist and are looking for fundraising resources, visit

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In the community

We work at the heart of communities transforming lives in the name of Jesus

Challenge events

Run, hike, swim or bike for #TeamSallyArmy to help us raise funds and transform lives.


Help us be there to support the most vulnerable members of society.

Corps officers sleep out in Big Collection fundraiser

This year, due to the pandemic, corps are thinking imaginatively about how they raise funds.