Eva Burrows Day Care Centre

Eva Burrows Day Care Centre
The Eva Burrows Day Care Centre provides specialised support to older people with dementia and their families.

It is a welcoming and safe environment that offers older people a range of activities, helping them to continue to live in their own home or with their family or carer.

The centre operates in partnership with South Lanarkshire Council and currently has 44 service users. On Sunday April 10, 2016, the Eva Burrows Day Care Centre featured on the BBC One documentary Paul O’Grady: The Sally Army and Me.

The centre was chosen to appear on the programme for its expertise in dementia care, having been named the best Salvation Army centre in the UK and Ireland in 2010 and 2012. Manager Sandra Sneddon was also crowned Centre Manager of the Year in 2014.

Reminiscence room

Among the initiatives at Eva Burrows is a reminiscence room that has been furnished to look just like a typical living room from the 1940s.

The room is designed to be therapeutic and calming by tapping into memories from people’s past. Evoking fond memories can help stop service users from becoming confused and stressed – often conditions of dementia.

Did you miss the second episode? Click here to watch via BBCiPlayer (Programme available for 30 days).

Follow our conversation on social media using hashtag #SallyArmyAndMe

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Clyde Place



G72 7QT

United Kingdom

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Older people

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Care homes

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