Our work

We put our faith into action at the heart of the community

Our Christian mission - and therefore our work - is based on a passionate belief that our faith demands expression in action as well as words.

That is why we provide practical help for people in need, defend those who are vulnerable and abused, and fight against injustice. The services we provide are diverse, reflecting the needs of the communities we serve.

We work nationally and in local communities through our 650 churches and community centres throughout the UK and Ireland, to serve those who most need our help. We work with decision makers to ensure the views of vulnerable people are heard. We also support international development projects. Read about our varied work. 

Man with Salvation army officer
When I came to The Salvation Army I had no hope and no future, but now I've got a new sense of purpose.
Mark, a former resident of one of our Lifehouses

Our work in local communities

We serve the local community out of our 650 churches and community centres. The work we do is varied, from helping victims of modern slavery, to nurseries, community choirs and food banks. Our community work is our strength, all powered through God's love.

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Find out more about what we do, and how you can help us break the cycle of homelessness.

Modern slavery

We have been combatting slavery and supporting survivors of this horrendous crime since our earliest days, but what is modern slavery and how can we spot the signs in our own community?

In the community

We work at the heart of communities transforming lives in the name of Jesus

Campaigning and policy

Working with decision makers to ensure the views of vulnerable people are heard.

Youth and children

We raise leaders and young people in the tradition of social change and justice.

Older people

Residential care homes and older people's activities in your community

Budget and debt advice

We provide tailored support to help you with your finances.

Employment Plus

We offer tailored support to help people become job-ready

Family tracing

We help to reconcile family members who have lost contact and help rebuild these relationships

International Development

Supporting communities around the world to overcome poverty and injustice

Music and creative arts

Empowering and supporting ministry and mission through the arts

About us

For over 150 years, The Salvation Army has been transforming lives at the heart of communities.

Support our work

Help keep us at the heart of communities working for the most vulnerable in our society.

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