
Welcome to a new way of using Connect!

Connect is now online and will be inspiring your women's ministry and other mid/week groups. We are building up a bank of resources to support you so please check back frequently.

Connect sessions logos thumbnail

Each session reflects one of the four Home League values:

Worship is an interactive worship session for an informal setting, or café church.

Fellowship is a lighter session, often encouraging members to bring and share something of themselves.

Service features a range of ways of empowering your group to make a difference within the group and the wider community.

Education explores a wide range of light and serious topics.

Happy faces in hexagons

Helping-Hand 2025

This year's appeal focuses on projects dealing with food security.

Find out more

Connect Bank of Resources

Explore the Home-League values

Secondary themes

Need music for your group?

A CD of backing tracks for the Salvation Army song book is available for purchase.

Click here
Connect 2020 cover artwork

Connect 2020

Don’t forget you will probably have material you can use from 2020. Still available while stocks last. Click below and email Family Ministries

Email to order

These guides, although not created specifically for mid-week/Home League groups, will help guide and support you running an online group.