Our Mission at Sale Salvation Army Church is:
To share the good news
To serve others without discrimination
To nurture disciples of Jesus
To care for creation
To seek justice and reconciliation
We believe in inclusive church – a church which celebrates and affirms every person and does not discriminate.
We will continue to challenge the church where it continues to discriminate against people on grounds of disability, economic power, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, learning disability, mental health, neurodiversity, or sexuality.
We believe in a Church which welcomes and serves all people in the name of Jesus Christ; which is scripturally faithful; which seeks to proclaim the Gospel afresh for each generation; and which, in the power of the Holy Spirit, allows all people to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Jesus Christ.
Where we are
27 Ashton Lane
M33 6NP
United Kingdom
Email address:
0161 976 4380

Ann Montgomery

Donald Montgomery

Rachel Steward
Community Manager / Charity Shop Manager
53.4262513, -2.3296535

10:30am 1st Sunday in the Month - All age worship
10:30am 2nd -5th Sunday - Morning Worship (Children's ministry at 11am)
12noon 2nd & 4th Sunday - Youth Cell Group
3:00pm - 5:00pm Messy Church (usually 1st Sunday in every month)
"But the time is coming-indeed it's here now - when true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way" John 4:23
Come, now is the time to Worship.....
Sale Salvation Army in an intentionally inclusive Church where all are welcome. Our Sunday services are typically: Friendly, Meditative, Celebrations services, with opportunities for testimonies, prayer, and worship. Our music groups (brass bands, choirs and contemporary worship group all contribute regularly.
You will be warmly welcomed on Sundays to our 10.30am service. We believe that we create a welcoming atmosphere that is child friendly . You're also invited to join us for coffee after the service.
Our doors are open to offer programmes and activities for the whole community.
Please note, activities marked with * do not run in August
10-12noon: Donation station for our Charity Shop - drop off point in the carpark (off Oakfield) for the Charity Shop (Tel 0161 973949 for details of what can be donated)
10.30am – Singing by Heart dementia friendly singing group (1st Monday of the month)
11:00am Lyfe Group (A group for exploring faith together) *
1:30pm Body & Soul Group A - Ladies' Keep Fit *
2:30pm Body & Soul Group B - Ladies' Keep Fit *
10:00 am Baby Song (term time) *
10:00am-1pm Pop Up Cafe / Community coffee morning *
5pm - 6:30pm The Beacon Hub - where female victims/survivors can come into a safe place & enjoy some friendship, tea/coffee and support (children are welcome too). Please let us know you will be coming, tel: 01610764380
Young in Heart Day *
10:00am Coffee and Chat
11am Choir
12pm Three course lunch
2.00pm Indoor Bowls (seasonal)
4.30pm Kids Alive Brass Music (Brass tuition) *
6.00pm Junior Brass Rehearsal *
7.15pm Songster (Church Choir) Rehearsal *
8.45pm Senior Band Rehearsal *
9:30am Toddlers Stay and Play Session (term time) *
12noon Knit & Natter*
1.30pm Art Club *
Restored Beacon Church
Sale Salvation Army also partner with Restored and are a Restored Beacon Church whose light guides survivors of domestic abuse home to safety. A beacon that calls the people of God to stand together to fix that which is broken in their communities and live out a different way. At its simplest, a Restored Beacon Church is a place of welcome and safety for survivors. Contact us on 0161 9764380 for more info.
Messy Church
Messy Church is a time when we invite families from our local community to come together to enjoy company, spending time with their family and also making new friends. We are busy doing crafts, painting & having fun making a lot of mess! We celebrate God together through basing our crafts on a chosen bible story and then coming together after clear up time for a brief talk about what the bible story was about and what we learnt about through our play & craft. Then we all get together for tea & pudding!
With Messy Church we are trying to be a worshipping community of all ages, centred on Christ, showing Christian hospitality - giving people a chance to express their creativity, share fellowship and have fun in a church context. At Messy Church we welcome all people of all ages, this isn't a time just for children, quite the contrary, it is a time for everyone, young and old to come together and enjoy company with each other.
Children's Ministry
Sunday school kicks off from 11am for one hour on a Sunday morning. We have lots of fun together, playing games, singing and learning about what God has to say to us about our lives. We cater for children from the age of 5 to 14 yrs.
Each age group has different leaders (all DBS checked) who help the children learn more about loving God and living a Christian life. We learn in lots of different ways through craft, puzzles, reading and playing. We have a great time together, not just on Sundays as we have social times together with parties and outings.
Come down and see for yourself... we guarantee you won't be disappointed!
The Salvation Army has a wonderful musical tradition that the public greatly enjoy
Sale Salvation Army Band - About Us
Sale Salvation Army Band’s purpose is the same as any Salvation Army music group: to bring glory and honour to God. Underpinning this, our responsibility, on a week-to-week basis, is to provide accompaniment for sung worship and musical items that enhance our gatherings. The band provides music to those unable to join us for worship due to health concerns and often promotes the message of the Salvation Army on the streets of Sale. We also hold annual events, including Summer and Autumn concerts in our own church and a busy Christmas programme across Manchester playing in shops, on street corners and in magnificent buildings like Manchester Cathedral.
In addition, the band has a busy schedule supporting a variety of local events: Churches Together, Manchester Airport Remembrance Service, the Manchester full and half marathons and local charity concerts. The band is available to be booked for events from Christmas Carol concerts to charity events and Salvation Army Band festivals.
Rehearsals, under the leadership of Bandmaster Jonathan Evans, take place on Thursday evenings at 8.30pm and are held in the hall on Ashton Lane. Our rehearsals are always open and visitors are welcome to attend either to listen or play. If you would like to join us and play please try and let us know beforehand so we can prepare music for you. There is no requirement for members to be Salvation Army soldiers. Rather, as what is known as an open section within The Salvation Army, members of the band are asked to be committed to the band’s engagements and to the mission of the Salvation Army as a Christian Church.
The band has a significant ministry with students studying in the Manchester area. Many of our current membership are either current or former University students who moved to Manchester for education. Travel or travel expenses and lunch are provided each Sunday for our students whilst lifts can be organised to and from rehearsals and events.
For all band related enquiries and bookings please use the following email address:
Alternatively, you can contact us through our Facebook page, which is updated on a regular basis.
The songsters (choir) are a group of people who meet each Thursday evening to rehearse songs for worship on Sunday. The group is made up of men and women of all ages and from all walks of life - including teachers, nurses, salesmen and those who are retired. They have a common love of singing and a desire to tell others about the Lord through their music.
Although the songsters have been singing and making music in Sale for twenty years, their history goes back much further to when the church was situated in Manchester. Over the years the choir has travelled up and down the British Isles performing in many churches and Salvation Army centres and have made a number of excellent recordings. For the past two years the songsters have been led by Alistair Campbell, a primary school teacher.
Most of the music the Songsters use is published by the Salvation Army but it includes a number of contemporary songs from well-known Christian writers as well as more “home grown” material. Although the majority of songster members are uniformed Salvationists, everyone is welcome to come along and join in with them at practices and we’d be glad to welcome you one Thursday evening at 7.15pm!
Worship Group
Our worship band at Sale helps to lead the worship in our Church. Our group has evolved over the last 20 years and what started out as just a keyboard player, a bass guitarist and a vocalist huddled round the piano has now emerged into a vibrant group of Christian musicians who want to serve the Lord using the ministry of music.
There are many members of the group who work together in choosing suitable music for worship, introducing new songs and arranging all the different parts.
Our mission is to bring people into the presence of God through the medium of music - we want those who sing with us in worship to catch a glimpse of the greatness of our God. Contemporary worship music has had huge impact of the members of the group and we hope that through our music others can experience the power of God too.
The LORD is my strength and my defence; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt. - Exodus 15:2
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus - Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)
Prayer matters! Prayer makes a difference in the lives of God’s people. Sometimes the only way we can help another person is to lift them to God in prayer. Here at Sale Salvation Army we take prayer seriously. Our prayer box is placed at the front doors to our Church. Prayers can be left anonymously if preferred, but all prayers are then prayed for the members of the Church Prayer Network.
If you have a prayer concern that we can pray for and with you, call the office on 0161 976 4380 or request your prayer below or pop by the Church and write a card, and place it in the prayer box.
The Salvation Army's practical hands-on work is renowned. It has never been enough just to preach; the message of God's love is also demonstrated through its work particulary with marginalised and vulnerable people.
In corps and centres across the territory, people of all ages are welcomed and encouraged to discover how much he loves them and the possibilities he has for their lives.
Baby and Toddler Song
Baby song is a long established programme in our Church. It was started with just a few Mums and babies who would meet to spend time singing nursery rhymes with their babies in a friendly, welcoming environment.
Babysong has become a real lifeline for many of the families who have attended, new friendships have been formed and a great sense of community is present amongst the group.
So what are the benefits of song?
Music is something magical that you can share with your child and a way of communicating even before they can talk. Singing can also calm you as well as your child, if you are feeling stressed and can provide a distraction if they are crying.
Music is the perfect vehicle for learning, for instance repeating rhymes to your child can help develop their language. Research has shown that music & song can help to develop communication, listening, concentration, sharing and social skills for babies.
Please contact Rachel on 0161 976 4380 to book your place.
Stay and join us for a chat and a brew from 11:15am to 11:45am
Stay & Play Sessions
We welcome all Mums, Dads, Grandparents, Child Minders and of course little one's 0-4yrs, to our group on a Friday. Our aim is to provide a safe, happy & welcoming environment for parents & children to meet, play & hopefully make new friends. We have a great team of volunteers that help with putting out the toys, organising crafts & singing activities, not forgetting the toast, fruit and juice time! They also provide a pastoral care for those who would like to speak with someone.
Everyone is welcome - we would love to see you!
But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God" - Luke 18:16
Growing Together Garden
The Growing Together Garden & Allotment is based in the grounds of The Salvation Army Church, Ashton Lane, Sale.
This project, where people from the community can get involved to help transform this land into an area where all members of the community are welcome. The purpose of having a garden & allotment is to give opportunity for people both within the church and from the community a place to go that is safe, welcoming, interesting and where they can learn about growing plants & vegetables or just sit and enjoy company!
The aim is to offer people from the local community a share in an allotment plot, free of charge, with the proviso that 30% of what they grow will be given away to a person, family or group who are in need & would benefit from fresh produce.
We want the allotment to be a long-term project that we will care for and use to remind people of God’s amazing creation. If you would be interested in getting involved in the community garden & allotment, please contact Rachel on 0161 976 4380 for further details.
Art Club
The purpose of the art group is to enjoy art & discover your artisitc 'flair' in a christian environment with a very friendly, fun group of people who all have an interest in art. The group has been running for many years and all abilities from beginners to experienced artists are welcome. All materials are provided, we ask for just a small contribution towards provision of the materials.
Come and give it a try!
Let all that you do be done with love. 1 Corinthians 16:14
Body and Soul
Body & Soul is a gentle keep fit class for mature ladies. The purpose of the group is to encourage exercise and fellowship amongst friends. There are two classes to choose from followed by a time of fellowship.
"Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul" - John 1:2
Young in Heart Choir
The Young in heart choir was formed 21 years ago in 1991 when the new Church on Ashton Lane was opened as Sale Corps. We are about 30 in number with mixed voices and a wide age range from 60-90+. We rehearse for an hour on Thursday mornings before the Young in Heart lunch club, and we sing in the Sunday worship on the first Sunday of every month.
"Blessed are those who dwell in your house, ever singing your praise!" - Psalm 84:4
Young in Heart Day
Those who attend the Thursday 'Young in Heart' range between 60yrs - 90+yrs. The group began 20 years ago and from the very start was a big success. At the present time we have approx 50 members.
The day begins at 10.30 with friends meeting in the foyer for coffee & a chat. At 11am, those in the Young in Heart choir have their practice, anyone is welcome to join or to sit and listen.
At 12pm a three course home cooked meal is served followed by entertainment. A team of dedicated volunteers hold the many activities together; a welcoming coffee service, updating membership records and lunch club kitchen staff.
For some it is the only opportunity they have to get out, meet new friends, have a good meal. For all, it is companionship in a caring Christian atmosphere & a fundamental service of The Salvation Army.
"In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive' " - Acts 20:35
Hall Hire
We have other groups who rent a room from our building each week. Below is a list of groups that take place and contact details if you are interested in taking part in any of these groups.
CALL (Cancer Aid & Listening Line) is an organisation for people who have experienced cancer in some way, either as a patient, relative or friend.- Social group meets every 1st & 3rd Tuesday in the month, 2pm to 4pm. Contact
WEA Literature group - Every Tuesday 10:15am to 12:15pm.
Trafford Domestic Abuse Service - training and support to victims and survivors of Domestic Abuse.
Our charity shop is now located at: 7 Washway Road, Sale, M33 7AD
"Clothe Yourself With COMPASSION, Kindness, HUMILITY, Gentleness & PATIENCE" - Colossians 3:12
Definition of volunteering: Doing more than you have to because you want to in a cause you consider good
The Community programme we hold at Sale aims to improve the quality of life for people living in the community. The generosity, kindness, time and skills of our volunteers deliver a service that is well received. Currently, we have 53 volunteers, some are church members and some are local people from the community who give of their time to help out with the Church programme, events & charity shop.
There is an increase in demand of our services and support so we are continuously looking for new volunteers to join our friendly team.
As a volunteer you will have a fulfilling experience helping our community. You could gain or build upon existing skills, friendship, confidence, work experience and team-work. The volunteer roles we offer are interesting, flexible, and worthwhile.
For futher details on volunteering opportunities please contact Community Manager Rachel Steward on 0161 976 4380.
"Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in"
"Let us LOVE not in Word and Speech but in DEED and TRUTH" - John 3:17
We have various agencies and groups who rent room space at Sale Salvation Army. If you are interested in making a booking please contact Rachel Steward (Community Manager).
Please note we do not hire rooms for childrens parties.
Community Hall
Seats approx. 60-80 people, it can be used for conference or workshop facilities, toilets are located just outside the main doors to the hall and sufficient fire exit facilities are in place. £30/hour. Tea and Coffee can also be provided at 75p per person. We are unable to provide buffet lunch but you are welcome to bring your own.
Large Lounge
Seats 30 at £20/hour.
Training Space
Seats 20 at £25/hour.
Some additional items for hire are available - please speak with Rachel at the time of booking.
Sale Salvation Army on Facebook
Like us on Facebook for all our latest news, events, and more!
We believe that every human being, created and valued by God, should be given respect, dignity and neighbourly love. As such The Salvation Army is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare and well-being of children, young people and adults within all of our programmes.