Belfast Temple

Worshipping Community

We want to better become an inclusive, holy and vibrant church that nurtures a loving community, grows disciples of Jesus and reaches out as living reflections of God's love.

Where we are

110 Cregagh Road
United Kingdom

Email address:

Phone: 028 9045 4466

Cindy Stanford


Our worship hall on the Cregagh Road.

Worship with us on Sunday at 10.30am

We would love to share with you in Christian Worship and then in Tea and Coffee afterwards.

You can also find our recorded worship services on our Belfast Temple Online Worship Youtube Channel.

Click here to find our latest worship services

Our Vision

Christmas Day

Over the past two years we have not be able to welcome our usual 80+ guests to share Christmas Day with us. Instead, with the help of a great team of volunteers, we delivered around 70 meals to individual people's homes. We are certain that this year we will once again be able to open our doors to welcome anyone to share this special day with us again.

To donate towards our community work, please click on the link below. Thank you!

Donate towards our community work here. Thank you!