Old Age Renters
The cost of care if you don’t own your home
The debate around adult social care funding is focused on homeowners but around one in four people over 75 do not own their home. This means that thousands of people cannot afford to fund the care they need in later life. As it becomes harder for younger people to buy their own home, this group of older people without assets is only likely to increase.

Older people who can’t fund their own residential care have to rely on their local authority for funding and have fewer choices about when, where and how they are cared for. This can have a significant and negative impact on their health and wellbeing. Furthermore, their loved ones may come under financial and emotional pressure when asked to cover any funding shortfalls – which can be anything from £6,000 to £18,000 per year.

We’re campaigning for the adult social care system to be built on:
Inclusion — the needs of older people without assets must not be ignored
Choice — all older people must have a say about the future of their care
Fairness — older people without assets must not face disadvantages
How you can help
- Be informed – download our guide
- Talk about it – are you and your family prepared for the future?
- Speak out – if you feel passionately about a fair adult social care system like we do, contact your MP
What are your experiences of residential care for older people? Let us know at public.affairs@salvationarmy.org.uk.
* Survey of adults over 50 who don’t own their home