Social Justice Champions

The Salvation Army has a strong history of speaking truth to power when it comes to issues that affect the most marginalised in society.

If you want to change the future, then you are going to have to disturb the present.
Catherine Booth

Our Christian faith and understanding compels us to seek justice and reconciliation as we are called to “make right for the world’s most vulnerable—the oppressed, the orphaned, the widow.” (Isaiah 1:17, The Voice).  Each of us can be a part of speaking out when we see social injustices all around us.

What is involved? 

As a Social Justice Champion, you will be supported to engage with your locally elected representatives to tackle social injustices in your own community and make your voice heard.

If you’ve ever found yourself feeling frustrated by the social injustices all too present in your community, in return for as much or as little of your time, the Campaigns Team will provide you with the support and resources to help you engage and raise awareness of the challenges in your own local community and the aims of The Salvation Army.

If you’ve ever found yourself feeling frustrated by the social injustices all too present in your community, as a Social Justice Champion, we’ll support you to spur the change you want to see in the world.

What support is available for me to do this role?

Support and materials available as part of this role include:

  • Written guides and resources on how to be an effective campaigner
  • Regular webinars with members of The Salvation Army and individuals involved in politics
  • One-to-one support from the Campaigns Team and policy colleagues to support your work
  • Regular email updates with additional resources in response to policy developments.

What will I get out of this role?

Being a local campaigner is the chance to gain experience in influencing politicians and other decision-makers. Your interest to do so may come from personal experiences or just the knowledge of the injustices in your community, regardless our team can support you in making a real difference.

Your work as a Social Justice Champion can make all the difference in getting the issues facing your community and those whom The Salvation Army works with on their radar. You alone could be the reason why they hear about an important issue locally or reconsider their stance once they’ve heard from you.

You need only speak to your local Salvation Army to know of the challenges all too present in our communities. We need elected representatives to know what we’re seeing and hear from those as passionate as us about social justice as we are.

Their time is in demand; if we don’t go and tell them what they need to hear, they’re not going to come and ask.

There is a lot to do; but together we can make a real difference.