Early Intervention & Prevention Team
The York Early Intervention Project is a crisis intervention service and conduct early morning street walks to identify rough sleepers and offer support to access accommodation.
We run a drop in service to offer information, advice and guidance for anyone in housing need over the age of 18. This takes place Monday to Friday 10am -12pm. Anyone requiring emergency accommodation outside of these times should ring City of York Council Housing Options team on 01904 5544500.
We are not a hostel but we can arrange for people to access emergency accommodation, longer term accommodation, food and showers. We can signpost people to further support services including drug and alcohol, mental health and accessing private rented accommodation.
Get in touch
By phone or email between 8.30am an 5pm Monday to Friday and between 9am and 10am on Saturdays, Sundays and all Bank Holidays.
Anyone wishing to report a rough sleeper can do so on the above numbers or by contacting StreetLink on 0300 0500 0914 or www.streetlink.org.uk.