We aim to help our service users fully transition back into the community, and feel safe and secure in their own accommodation. To that end, we offer a wide range of in-house programmes, and make sure to link our members with external support groups.
Services available through Eva Burrows include:
CPN Service, Health and Homeless: This provides on-going support regarding mental health and links to external agencies for additional support.
Mediation Service – In-house. This service is provided by a trained member of staff to help our service users rebuild relationships.
NHS Harm reduction – Provides in house training and support for both service users and staff. This team also comes in to complete blood tests, sexual health checks, and promote BBV and overdose awareness.
NHS Well Being Team – Completes health checks and full wellbeing checks.
Addiction Support – Local Addiction Teams to promote recovery and balance.
Education and Training – The British Red Cross provides First Aid training.
Budget – An in-house activity themed around income and expenditure. Links to external support available.
Health and Happy – Promoting a healthy outlook. This service provides group work and individual support. We aim to build confidence, help our residents acquire transferable skills for moving into their own tenancy, and teach tenancy skills, as well as how to cook on a budget.
Momentum – Supports individuals with health and disabilities who may face barriers when seeking employment and training opportunities.
School Lessons – We offer classes at 6 schools in South Lanarkshire, promoting early intervention and an understanding of homelessness. Service users are involved in this process. This in turn also allows them to build confidence and acquire new skills.
In-house activities – including cooking classes, pamper nights, day trips, BBQ’s, arts and crafts, allotment gardening, and exhibitions.