FAQ during the Coronavirus crisis

Coronavirus FAQ

The Salvation Army is not in retreat and across the country our corps (churches and community centres) are mobilising to help their communities get through the coronavirus.

Here's some information about what events are taking place, how local communities and corps are responding, and information about our services.

I’m due to attend a Salvation Army event how do I know if it is still on?

The Government coronavirus response has recommended social distancing and for people not to gather in large or small groups. As a result all Territorial events have been postponed for the time being. The situation is constantly changing and therefore we suggest that you check the Territorial Events Unit Facebook page for the latest updates or email the events team. As soon as events are cancelled, registered delegates will be contacted via the email/phone numbers provided at the time of booking.  

Are services still running in my local corps?

The Salvation Army is following and promoting government public health advice. As a result, and with deep regret,  public meetings must stop with immediate effect. This includes Sunday worship, music group rehearsals, courses, performances and clubs. Salvation Army halls can remain open for the many opportunities to meet and serve people while still following the social distancing guidelines. 

The Salvation Army is  not retreating. Many corps are finding new ways to minister to their community. In places, The Salvation  Army is opening up spaces for rough sleepers to self isolate, some corps are keeping food banks running. For the latest news please check the  website and our social media channels with stories of how The Salvation Army is mobilsing to help the community through the coronavirus.

How is The Salvation Army supporting the health service and local authority response?

We are in contact with the Government and emergency services and are providing expertise and resource to help the coronavirus efforts. We are particularly concerned about people who are homeless; many of them will turn to our centres for help. We are working hard to deliver our regular services and ensure a safe welcoming place for everyone. We will update the website and our social media channels with stories of how The Salvation Army is mobilising to help the community through the coronavirus. Locally The Salvation Army is also working with other voluntary organisations to ensure there is support for vulnerable people, including in the storing of and preparing for the distribution of large amounts of food. 

What is The Salvation Army doing to support rough sleepers?

The Salvation Army is particularly concerned about people who are homeless, especially those who are forced to sleep rough. We anticipate that many people will turn to our centres for help in these turbulent times and are working hard to continue support. If you would like to support our vital work in these challenging times you can make a donation via our website. We would be most grateful. Donate now.  

How can I get involved in helping my local community?

Thank you for thinking of other people during such a turbulent time. The Salvation Army works with some of the most vulnerable people in society and we are particularly concerned about people who are homeless, especially those who are forced to sleep rough. We anticipate that many people will turn to our centres for help and are working hard to provide the help they need.

If you would like to support our vital work in these challenging times you can make a donation via our website. We would be most grateful. Donate now. 

One of the best ways we can help and support each other is by following the latest Government public health advice

We would also encourage people to be good neighbours during this time, particularly for elderly people or those who live alone, or are isolated. Consider making a phone call, dropping your contact details through the letterbox or giving a friendly wave through a window.

The Salvation Army is part of the Christian church and we are asking everyone to pray each day at 12 noon for all the people around the world affected by coronavirus.  

I’m a member of a corps should we cancel a service or event?

As a result of the Government advice on the coronavirus response it is with deep regret that public meetings must be temporarily stopped with immediate effect. This includes Sunday worship, music group rehearsals, courses, performances and clubs. However this pandemic creates multiple opportunities to explore creative ways to fulfil our God given mission at this critical time. Check directly with your corps officers to see what opportunities they may be offering for prayer and worship spaces or other activities that allow people to maintan a social distance and find a safe place for worship and reflection. The Salvation Army is working to make worship available through streaming services online or through making recordings available. We will share details of this when available on our website. 

How can I donate to my local food bank?

Please contact your nearest Salvation Army or food bank to see what arrangements are in place for food donations at this time. We will also be working with other churches and organisations to pool resources and signpost people as appropriate to make sure those who need food are supported.  Many food banks have donation points in supermarkets and any items you are able to place in there would be welcomed.  Please also consider checking on people living near you if they need shopping, particularly if they find it harder to get out and about.

I’m running for The Salvation Army in the London marathon what happens now it’s postponed?

As you know, the London Marathon has currently been postponed to October 2020. We understand our runners' disappointment. We would like to express our gratitude to all our runners who have put in countless hours of training and fundraising initiatives to raise vital funds for the work we do. We promise to keep you informed as more information becomes readily available.

The good news is, you now have extra training time! Why not use this as an opportunity to gain a personal best? We would also like to encourage you to see this as an opportunity to raise further funds for our vital work. All funds raised will help vulnerable people across our communities through our Anti-Human Trafficking projects, our homelessness services and work supporting our local churches and centres.

Finally, we would like to thank everyone who has generously donated and supported #TeamSallyArmy so far, your contributions will not go to waste. If you have any further questions or want to keep in touch, please contact us at challenge@salvationarmy.org.uk.

Salvation Army Coronavirus Response

We are experiencing an urgent public health crisis. Find out how the army is responding.

Coronavirus crisis

We are working hard to support the people hit hardest by the coronavirus.