Frontline Live: Supporting Survivors of Modern Slavery

Modern slavery is happening now, internationally and right here in the UK.

Every year, thousands of people are being exploited and sold as slaves where they can be forced to work in the sex trade, used as domestic slaves, and exploited for labour or criminal activity.

Watch Frontline Live: Supporting Survivors of Modern Slavery, to find out about how The Salvation Army is fighting tirelessly against modern slavery and human trafficking, providing emergency support to survivors in safe houses and rebuilding lives around the world.

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Frontline Live

Frontline Live is your chance to experience The Salvation Army’s work through a series of live, virtual events, from the very heart of the communities we serve.

Modern slavery

We have been combatting slavery and supporting survivors of this horrendous crime since our earliest days, but what is modern slavery and how can we spot the signs in our own community?

Spot the signs

Learn the tell-tale signs of modern slavery, and where to get help for victims.

How we support survivors

Find out how we support survivors of Modern slavery through our Government contract and a wide range of specialist services.