Have your Will written free of charge

A couple sitting together making a will

Making a Will is important. It means you can be certain that your wishes will be met when you die and that everything will go to the people and causes you care about. The Salvation Army have a number of different free Will writing options that you might find interesting.

Making a Will makes it easier for the people you leave behind – you’ll be continuing to look after your loved ones by letting them know your wishes. Otherwise, doubts and disagreement might arise and your estate may not go to the people you intended.

A Will can remove any uncertainties. The Salvation Army have a number of different free Will writing options that you might find interesting.

If you take advantage of one of our free Will offers, there is no obligation to remember The Salvation Army in your Will. Nevertheless we hope you'll consider the huge difference a gift to us in your Will can make, to our vital work providing care, compassion, and practical support to the people that need us most.

The Salvation Army relies heavily on legacies to fund much of our work and without them we simply could not continue to support people in need.

You can choose one of the following options when booking your free consultation: 

To request a consultation, please complete the form below:

If you have any queries about amending or making a Will to include The Salvation Army, please contact our Legacy Team on 020 7367 4800. You may also email us at giftsinwilss@salvationarmy.org.uk