Good Friday
Good Friday is the day that we remember the crucifixion of Jesus.
Many Christians see this day as the most important day in the history of humankind, as it is when Jesus fulfilled the promises of the Old Testament and took away our sin.
After the arrest of Jesus, He was taken before the Chief Priests and a crowd of people where they shouted for Him to be crucified. (Luke 22:20)
They put a crown of thorns on His head, beat Him and mocked 'Here is the King of the Jews'. Jesus was then nailed onto a cross and died before the crowd. His body was buried and sealed within a tomb.
Today many churches around the world will have a Good Friday service during which they solemnly remember the crucifixion, reflecting the personal impact of this moment in history.
Most Salvation Army members usually assemble for outdoor witness with other churches - stopping along the main high street for hymns, prayers and readings. It is tradition for The Salvation Army to take part in witness in towns and cities.