We bring homeless people in from the cold. We feed hungry people. We offer companionship to people who are lonely and heartbroken.
This Winter, there’s no telling how many people will turn to us, desperate for help.
By giving a gift this Winter, you are helping us support people who are homeless and in need.
Help us help people like Harley.
Harley joined the British Army after he left school, but his period of service took a toll on his mental health. He struggled to process some of the things he’d seen and turned to drugs and alcohol to cope.

He ended up sleeping rough in graveyards, garden sheds, or anywhere he wouldn’t be noticed. He had a relationship and fathered a son, but his partner broke contact because of his addictions and he lost touch with both mother and child.
It was the thought that he might die on the streets without ever seeing his son again that prompted Harley to turn to The Salvation Army.
‘I was scared. I was hungry,’ he remembers. ‘I didn’t know where else to turn.’
At the local Salvation Army centre, our staff and volunteers worked hard to gain Harley’s trust. We helped him register as homeless and gave him a safe place to live. We made sure he had the medical and emotional support he needed to break free from his addictions.
Our support changes lives
Thanks to our loving friendship, Harley has put the pain and darkness behind him.
We meet many people like Harley who are experiencing homelessness – and sadly the number of homeless rough sleepers is growing. Some may even die on the streets, especially during the cold winter months, if they are left to suffer.
We want to reach out to people like Harley who are suffering the most by bringing joy and hope into their lives. In over 600 communities across the UK, we will be doing all we can for older people and families, whatever their circumstances.
How you can help
A gift of:
- £9 could contribute towards one-to-one support work for a homeless person in one of our centres to help them get back on their feet and make a fresh start.
- £19 could contribute towards a food parcel to feed a desperate, hungry family for a day.
- £28 could provide a Christmas dinner and the promise of companionship for three lonely older people.