Loving God and Loving Others
The Salvation Army in Harwich exists to give everyone in our community the opportunity to experience the fullness of life with Jesus.
Our mission is to:
- share the good news
- serve others without discrimination
- nurture disciples of Jesus
- care for creation
- seek justice and reconciliation
Since Covid we have had time to reflect on what has happened and to pray, seeking God's heart, for how we need to be present within our community. We recognise that Covid has changed us as people and that life continues to be difficult for so many. Our hope is that we demonstrate hospitality to all, be present with those who have questions and demonstrate our love for God by the way we express our love to others around us.
Where we are
George Street
CO12 3ND
United Kingdom
Email address:
Debbie Tubby:
01255 502 502
Debbie Tubby:
07774 626 028
Debbie Tubby
Community Manager