Additional services

Additional Services for homeless
We have a number of additional services where we have recognised and met a particular need, or worked with local authorities to support people experiencing homelessness or rough sleeping.

The Bus Project

The Bus Project is a vital part of our frontline homelessness services in Cardiff, and acts as the main service for people who are experiencing homelessness.

It can be accessed by anyone and operates five nights a week, 52 weeks a year providing around 40 people each day with hot food, clothing and warm shelter for a few hours.

Our specialist Salvation Army staff and volunteers are on hand to provide compassionate support and refer people to emergency accommodation and other support services across Cardiff such as mental health, advocacy and chaplaincy.

The Cardiff EEA Community Pathway Project

This project is designed for economically excluded individuals from the European Economic Area.

It provides accommodation, support and guidance; help with life skills, community integration, advice on education, training and employability and chaplaincy services.

Taking referrals from local outreach services, it also provides people with the opportunity to reconnect back to their home country or become self-sufficient and economically active within the UK.

The York Early Intervention Project

This project is a crisis intervention service that aims to both prevent and alleviate rough sleeping.

The specialist staff conduct early morning street walks to identify rough sleepers and offer support to access accommodation and find positive things to do during the day.

The service also provides a drop in service to offer information, advice and guidance for people in housing need. The service will take referrals from any route and will give local people advice over the phone. 

The Syrian resettlement project

This is a government-sponsored initiative that aims to resettle 20,000 of the most vulnerable refugees: women with children, people with serious medical conditions and survivors of torture.

People are identified by the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) and referred direct from refugee camps in countries that border Syria.

In Lancashire, the homelessness services are contracted to support a number of these vulnerable families to set up a home; learn English and integrate into the community. In other parts of the country, Salvationist congregations within our churches and community centres have themselves sponsored and supported families to resettle here. 

The Outreach Bus / Community Pathway

The Outreach Bus is situated every night at 6.30pm opposite Cardiff Museum, Museum Place, Cathays Park, Cardiff CF10 3NP. 

For further information about The Outreach Bus or The Cardiff EEA Community Pathway Project, contact The Salvation Army Cardiff Outreach Services: 02920 451154.

York Early Intervention Project

You can find out more about The Salvation Army’s Early Intervention Project in York by contacting:

63 Lawrence Street,


YO10 3BU

01904 416562

07586 570432


You can find out more about The Salvation Army’s work with Refugees by contacting:

  • Major Nick Coke - The Salvation Army Refugee Response Co-ordinator, UK and Ireland
  • Raynes Park Community Church: 020 85450741

Social Enterprises

Many of our Lifehouses offer social enterprises opportunities to our service users to gain skills and be involved in running a small business.

The Sandwich People is a buffet delivery service that gives food handling training opportunities to the people who live in the Lifehouse. Recyles is a bicycle centre where people can learn professional skills to repair and maintain bicycles as well as gain customer service skills by working in the bicycle centre. And you can find out about The Salvation Army’s Social Enterprises in Swindon by contacting Booth House on 01793 401830.

Many of our services are orientated to allow people to develop the training, skills and life-skills to take on and help in the future.

Your nearest Salvation Army


Floating Support and Outreach Services

Provides the support to prevent homelessness.


Tailored support for people who are experiencing homelessness.


Accommodation that provides more than a roof.


Find out more about what we do, and how you can help us break the cycle of homelessness.