Housing First

What is Housing First?

'Housing First' is a recovery-oriented approach to ending homelessness. It centres on the principle of moving people experiencing homelessness into independent and permanent housing.

Intensive support is then wrapped around that person to help them to sustain their new home. The support helps the individual to feel safer and healthier, combating some of the challenges they may be experiencing in their lives, including addiction, mental health needs and attachments to the criminal just system. The overall goal of support is to empower that individual, inspire independence and support them to live lives that are richer in positive experiences.

Housing First is a concept which originated in the USA in the 1990s and has since been significantly promoted across Europe and around the world. By offering housing first, individuals can be better supported in a person-centred way. The Housing First approach differs from the other housing system, where homeless people must reside in multiple temporary spaces, whilst preparing for longer term accommodation.

The Housing First model has been applied most specifically with people who are long term rough sleepers and who have chronic and complex support needs. Across the UK many different organisations now deliver Housing First style projects working with rough sleepers and other specific groups including young people and women.

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Across the UK the Salvation Army have embraced the concept of Housing First as an expression of our mission and values. We currently operate Housing First projects across Scotland and Wales and adhere to the following accredited Housing First principles of both nations:


Scotland Housing First Principles

  • People have a right to a home that is affordable, secure, habitable, adequate both physically and culturally, and with availability of services
  • Housing and support are separated
  • Flexible support is provided for as long as it is needed
  • An active engagement approach is used
  • Individuals have choice and control
  • A harm reduction approach to substance use is used
  • The service is based on people’s strengths, goals and aspirations, and as such has an explicit commitment to a small caseload

Wales Housing First Principles

  • The right to a good quality home
  • Flexible support for as long as it is needed
  • Separation of housing management and support
  • People have choice and control
  • An active engagement approach
  • A focus on strengths, goals and aspirations
  • A harm reduction approach
  • Provided to the people who need it most
  • Psychologically informed and actively inclusive
  • Multi-agency partnership working

What can I do to help?

Housing First services are accessed by referral only. If you are concerned about someone sleeping rough, please contact the Homelessness or Housing Options Service at your local council.

Make a welfare report

You can also make a welfare report about a person who is rough sleeping via streetlink.org.uk

make a welfare report

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