Food Security

International Development UK


Food Security is one of The Salvation Army International Development UK's five areas of work.

We are working alongside communities to overcome food insecurity and malnutrition.

The Salvation Army in the United Kingdom and Ireland territory currently supports Food Security projects in Rwanda, Burkina Faso, Mali and Zimbabwe. 

Farming Project - trainee and trainer sat amidst flourishing crops

Helping-Hand 2025: Food Security

Together, we can overcome malnutrition and food insecurity

Find out more

Bags of Hope

Gninde stirs large pot of liquid fertiliser
Barro Gninde stirs a large pot of liquid fertiliser

Barro Gninde lives with her husband and family in Wempea, Toussiana, Burkina Faso. She is deeply involved in agriculture alongside her husband. Despite their hard work, each winter, the family struggled to grow enough to feed themselves. 

Over 90% of people in Burkina Faso rely on subsistence farming, which is affected by irregular rainfall, floods, and droughts. These issues have contributed to reduced soil fertility and crop production, leading to food insecurity and poverty.

In response, The Salvation Army is working  in partnership with Farming God’s Way and ECHO Community Impact Centre, to promote sustainable farming techniques to restore soil fertility and achieve food security. 

Gninde pours out harvested maize into a bowl
Barro Gninde pouring out her harvested maize.

Gninde joined the project alongside 99 other family farmers across three rural communities. After the training, Barro mobilised her husband and family, and they began implementing the techniques she had learnt. In the first year they applied homemade organic compost and liquid fertiliser to a small area of their maize crops. 

At the end of the season, they harvested a 100 kg bag from their plot. Motivated by this yield, they increased the area and collected three 100kg bags.

We used the money we saved to support the schooling of our children.
Barro Gninde, Burkina Faso

Gninde said: ‘…It was difficult for our family to buy bags of [fertiliser]. Thanks to The Salvation Army we had a good yield without chemical fertilisers. Every year we always bought corn to feed the family, [but] this year we did not [need to]. We used the money we saved to support the schooling of our children.’

Make a donation to support international food security projects. Your contribution will help The Salvation Army to work alongside more farmers to overcome food insecurity.

Salvation Army Conservation Farming, Zimbabwe

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Areas of Work

We work alongside communities in the areas of Anti-Trafficking, Clean Water, Emergency Response, Food Security, and Women and Girls to support them to overcome poverty and injustice. We are also responsible for overseeing the transfer of funds for the UK’s Mission Support Allocation (money donated through the annual Self-Denial Appeal).