Stand with survivors

We will keep fighting for victims of modern slavery

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The Government’s Illegal Migration Bill has passed through parliament with no amendments to protect victims of modern slavery. 

We are disappointed the Illegal Migration Bill has completed its passage through parliament and will become law without any concessions to recognise the vulnerability of people caught in modern slavery.

This Act will prevent genuine victims from seeking the support they need and are entitled to under international law.

We are encouraged that people from across the UK have come together to stand with survivors of modern slavery and amplify our call to protect their rights.

It is vital these efforts do not end with the passing of the Illegal Migration Bill. We will be monitoring its impact.

We will keep fighting for modern slavery survivors

The Salvation Army’s work with survivors of modern slavery continues. We are still here offering shelter, space and support to help people recover from their ordeal. We will continue to support and work with survivors of modern slavery, advocate for their rights and show them love.

If you’d like to support us as we do, you can donate to support our Survivor Support Fund. 

First Responder
Ellen, one of our first responders who helps identify victims and get them the support they need.

Supporting Survivors

A group of survivors supported by The Salvation Army and our partners wrote to the Prime Minister outlining their fears for others whose lives will be impacted by this legislation. Read the full letter where they explain they may not be alive today without the specialist support they received.

We were put in a safe place where we saw humanity for the first time after a very long time.
Modern slavery survivor
Survivor of modern slavery
Sanu, a survivor currently living in one of our safehouses.

Where we stand 

For more than 150 years The Salvation Army has been fighting to seek justice for all people who face exploitation and abuse every day, as well as those who are at risk or recovering. We are responding across the world and the UK with practical support to help vulnerable communities become more resilient to the threat and to help survivors rebuild their lives. 

The Salvation Army provides specialist support to recovering adult survivors of modern slavery who have been referred in England and Wales. We work every day with people who have been tricked and trapped into slavery while criminals make profit from them. Our support helps them rebuild their lives as they start to recover from their ordeal. 

Modern Slavery facts 

  • Many people are tricked, traded & trapped into modern slavery by criminals as they flee from persecution and conflict.
  • Just 6% of people who enter the UK on small boats access modern slavery services.   
  • Government decision-makers agreed that nearly 9 out of 10 people referred for help as victims of modern slavery were genuine.
  • Successful prosecutions of traffickers rely on survivor cooperation. We know that safety and proper support is vital in encouraging survivors help bring their traffickers to justice.

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Don't close the door on people like Dan. 

At the age of 18 Dan was tricked by someone he thought he knew into dealing drugs. He was manipulated, beaten and his family threatened. Read Dan's whole story

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First Responders

Learn more about how victims of modern slavery are identified and referred to get support.

How we support survivors

Find out how we support survivors of Modern slavery through our Government contract and a wide range of specialist services.

Spot the signs

Learn the tell-tale signs of modern slavery, and where to get help for victims.

Modern slavery policy

Standing with survivors to put their voices at the heart of policy and practice.