Commonwealth games: Batonbearers enjoy a day to remember

published on 27 Jun 2014

As Commonwealth Games fever spreads across the nation, we caught up with the Salvationists who have been taking part in the Queen's Baton Relay.

  Sports Ministry Co-ordinator Bobby Weir, church leader Captain Stephen Moir and Salvationist Betty Weir carried the Queen’s Baton in recognition of the inspirational work they are doing in their respective communities of Airdrie, Cumbernauld and Kirkwall.

  Bobby and Stephen were nominated by Major Russell Wyles, Divisional Commander for West Scotland, while Betty was nominated by friends and family.

Bobby and Stephen's stories

The pair were nominated by Major Russell Wyles, Divisional Commander for West Scotland, who said: "I am extremely proud of Bobby and Stephen and it was great to be there on the day to cheer them on."

Bobby said: "It was an amazing experience to carry the baton through my hometown of Airdrie and hear the cheers of the crowds."

Captain Stephen said: "Taking part in the Queen's Baton Relay on behalf of The Salvation Army was a massive honour."

Betty’s story


Sports-mad Betty has been a Salvation Army soldier for 27 years and is known across Orkney for her sporting prowess. 

  She has represented the island in a number of sports and now helps train budding squash players. She also runs a sports club at the Kirkwall church for primary school age youngsters.

  Lieutenant Michael Hutchings, leader of the Kirkwall church, said: "We're proud of Betty and it was great to see her carry the Queen's Baton, an honour she richly deserved.”