Our Scotland shops thank Manchester School of Theatre for a collection of ‘truly unique’ donations

published on 10 Aug 2015

[Sheila Johnson, alongside Manchester School of Art’s technical services team members, is pictured above with the van full of donations]

A fantastic collection of costumes and theatre accessories are bound for our charity shops in Scotland this month. The generous team at the Manchester School of Theatre at Manchester Metropolitan University had a clear out of its costume department’s cupboards, donating hundreds of items to our Salvation Army charity shops. 

Sheila Johnson, Costume Supervisor at the university, said: “These are exciting times for Manchester School of Theatre as we move out of Mabel Tylecote Building to Oxford Road, making way for a new theatre to be built. This temporary location has limited storage, so we were spurred on to have a good clear out of our costume department. We decided to donate our items to the Salvation Army, which we feel is an organisation that performs such worthwhile work in the community.”

The donations include a wide range of unique items, from hats to shoes and coats to dresses, many of which are one-off designs.

Shirley Morris, Regional Manager for our charity shops in Scotland, commented: “On behalf of all our shops, we’d like to say a huge thank you to the team at Manchester School of Theatre for choosing The Salvation Army. Our charity shops are full of hidden gems, and it’s because of the generosity of teams like this that we can offer a truly unique range of pre-loved items, while raising vital funds for our charity.”