Over 100 families helped with breakfast bags in school break

published on 5 Sep 2024

Over 100 families supported with food bags during school summer holidays as many continue to struggle

The Salvation Army in Clitheroe supported more than 100 families with food during the school summer break as people on the lowest of incomes continue to be pushed into poverty. 

The church and charity, located on Lowergate, teamed up with Argos in the town which provided the contents for the food bags thanks to its partnership with the supermarket Sainsbury’s. The Salvation Army ensured over 100 families were fed once the summer holidays arrived and many saw the safety net of school support come to an end. 

Many families face tough financial choices once the schools break up for summer and some have the worry of finding the extra money to feed their children every day. The breakfast bags ensured that children had the best possible start to the day and relieved the pressure from families who struggle to make ends meet. "
Elizabeth Smith, church leader of The Salvation Army in Clitheroe

Over 100 families received breakfast food bags which featured a range of products including non-perishable items like cereal, long-life milk, juice and jam and The Salvation Army worked locally to identify the families most in need of support as many remain gripped in the cost-of-living crisis, spending money on high household and living bills instead of putting food on the table. A lot of the families included children in receipt of free school meals, therefore impacted the most by not being in school.

The Salvation Army supported over 100 families with breakfast food bags

Elizabeth Smith, church leader of The Salvation Army in Clitheroe said: “Many families face tough financial choices once the schools break up for summer and some have the worry of finding the extra money to feed their children every day. The breakfast bags ensured that children had the best possible start to the day and relieved the pressure from families who struggle to make ends meet.

“For us we say heart to God, hand to man and ensuring that children get fed, without the expense to families already struggling, is something that we feel passionate about. The number of families coming to us for support has really increased throughout the year and we want our local community to know that we are here to help them - whether that is supporting families, offering friendships to isolated individuals or just building new relationships. As every day costs remain high, we anticipate being busy across all areas of our work.”

Offering free food bags for families is another way in which The Salvation Army in Clitheroe supports people struggling with the cost-of-living crisis. The church and charity also holds a uniform project of new and unused school uniforms, while stocks last, as well as a weekly lunch club. More details can be found at www.salvationarmy.org.uk/clitheroe

Salvation Army Officer Cadet comforts woman

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