Slimmers drop pounds to raise pounds for Salvation Army

published on 12 Apr 2014

Slimming World consultant Carrina McGovern with Tom Mitchell of The Salvation Army

Slimmers have been dropping weight and raising money for a Salvation Army foodbank in Glasgow.

Around 300 members of Slimming World donated £400 of food to the church and charity in Easterhouse after losing a whopping 2072lbs (148 stone) between them in just six weeks.

Slimming World consultant Carrina McGovern said: “Our members were asked to choose a charity and decided on the local Salvation Army.

“Many of our members know of the foodbank and its importance to so many people in the local community so it was a pretty unanimous decision in the end. Everyone really bought into it.

“Initially we wanted to spend all the money we raised on healthy food but soon realised it wouldn’t be practical because many people don't have the facilities to cook a meal from scratch. We really had to think a bit differently but Morrisons in Easterhouse were a massive help and we managed to fill four shopping trolleys.

“Some of our members are struggling themselves financially but still took part, donating food where possible.

“Not only was a great thing to do for local people who rely on the foodbank but it also helped our members, who lost almost 150 stone between them. It was so successful that we hope to do it again in the autumn.”

The foodbank is run by married Salvation Army adherents Tom and Pamela Mitchell, along with a team of volunteers.

Tom said: “We are overwhelmed by the generosity of the Slimming World members. Without people like them and businesses like Morrisons, we wouldn’t be able to operate.”

Tom insists The Salvation Army does not discriminate or judge the people who rely on them for help, whatever their back story.

He added: “There will always be people who take advantage but for the vast majority of people it takes an awful lot of courage and desperation to come and ask for help.

“People are in desperate circumstances, sometimes their benefits have changed, sometimes they have been in hospital. The bottom line is that they are without food.”