Successful resettling of refugees in North West on track

published on 17 Jun 2024

The Salvation Army set to hit target of resettling refugees in the North West by end of year

The Salvation Army is celebrating its refugee resettlement service in the North West of England this Refugee Week as it’s on track to successfully rehome 25 families across Lancashire by the end of the year. 

Awarded the Lancashire County Council contract in 2021 to resettle 25 families across the Fylde Coast within three years under the Afghan Relocations Assistance Policy (ARAP) and UK Resettlement Scheme (UKRS), The Salvation Army’s Refugee Resettlement Service in the North West has to date successfully rehomed 23 families, with a further two families currently going through the process. 

With six months still to go on the contract, we have almost fulfilled the target, and we see demand growing each year. Everyone would do anything to protect and save their children and family and we want to give people a chance of a better life."
Alexandra Foden, service manager for The Salvation Army’s Refugee Resettlement Service in the North West
Refugee Resettlement Project North West

Resettling families across Wyre, Blackpool and Fylde, The Salvation Army offers hands-on support and practical care to families for two years; visiting three times a week within the first year and twice a week in the second year. Families are referred from Lancashire County Council with The Salvation Army supporting them with tenancy agreements, setting up energy accounts and arranging bill payments, seeking GPs, schools and in some cases employment. During the third year, refugee families can then attend a drop-in for any further support they need to continue to integrate into the community. 

Alexandra Foden, service manager for The Salvation Army’s Refugee Resettlement Service said: “Our aim is to help families make connections and rebuild their lives. Many have been through immense trauma to get to us and have seen some unimaginable things on their journey, fleeing their home life in a country of conflict. When they arrive and are greeted by The Salvation Army we become their safe space, an extended family, and their hope for a better and brighter future. 

“With six months still to go on the contract, we have almost fulfilled the target, and we see demand growing each year. Everyone would do anything to protect and save their children and family and we want to give people a chance of a better life.

“We are seeing people fully integrated into society and people who are thankful and grateful of being given a chance, being saved. Some have gone onto open businesses in the area, gain employment, qualifications and expand on their skills, and it is truly wonderful to see. And this refugee week we are celebrate diversity and strength within our communities and every community!”

Many people who have come through the Lancashire Resettlement Scheme to legally live in the area have gone on to gain employment and have been from various professions including dentists, architects, teachers and police officers in their home countries which have included Syria, Afghanistan and Ukraine. 

Refugee Week takes place from Monday, June 17, to Sunday, June 23, and celebrates the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees and people seeking sanctuary.

This service is part of The Salvation Army’s community work in Lancashire for supporting refugees and asylum seekers in partnership with local councils. 

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