Young and unemployed offered chance to ‘Kickstart’ careers

published on 26 Feb 2021

The Salvation Army is offering young people the chance to gain employment with the church and charity as part of the Government’s Kickstart scheme.

The initiative is a six-month paid job placement, funded by the Government. The Salvation Army is offering 85 roles for 16 to 24 year olds, who claim Universal Credit and are at risk of long-term unemployment. 

The Salvation Army is one of the largest organisations to sign up and will offer placements within its Homelessness Services Unit (Lifehouses), Older People’s Services, SATCOL charity shops and selected community programmes. Roles include marketing assistants and activities co-ordinators to catering staff and gardeners.

With unemployment levels at a five-year high*, latest figures from the ONS show the number of people claiming unemployment-related benefits has increased to more than 2.6 million, a rise of 113% since March last year. More than one in every six young people is now claiming out-of-work benefits in some parts of the UK**.

It’s harder than ever for young people to find jobs and so we welcome this opportunity to give them their first step on the career ladder. This is more than just paid work experience as each Kickstarter will have a dedicated employability professional to support them on their journey.
Rebecca Keating, The Salvation Army’s Director of Employment Services,

Rebecca adds: Those that are keen to stay on with us afterwards, could consider an apprenticeship or further training; we would definitely look to take people on a longer-term basis where possible.”

Placements will be available to young people via work coaches through their local Jobcente Plus. Salaries will be paid at the National Minimum Wage (or the National Living Wage depending on the age of the participant) for 25 hours of work per week.

The Salvation Army’s Employment Plus service offers tailored support to help job seekers find and stay in work, operating in more than 650 locations across the UK and Republic of Ireland.




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