The Salvation Army in Rhosllanerchrugog is a Christian church actively bringing people to know the love of God through meeting social and spiritual needs; bringing people into a loving personal relationship with God.
The Salvation Army is a worldwide evangelical Christian Church and human service agency. Its message is based on the Bible; Its motivation is the love of God as revealed in Jesus Christ. Its mission is to proclaim His gospel, to persuade people of all ages to become His disciples and to engage in a programme of practical concern for the needs of humanity. its ministry is offered to all persons, regardless of race, creed, colour or gender.
Where we are
New Street
LL14 1RE
United Kingdom
Email address:
Commanding Officer:
01978 757509
Captain Sharon Hampton
Commanding Officer
53.011985, -3.056469
This year the Salvation Army Celebrates 150 years of its being in Wales
The Theme of the Celebrations is DYMA GARIAD-HERE IS LOVE
Click the link below for a full list of events celebrating the 150 years & access resources for primary schools (In Welsh) to teach about the beliefs and activities of The Salvation Army
Not listed in link above
Sun 15th Sept Cynefin Worship at Coedpoeth Corps (details to follow)
Click the links below to access other school resources to teach about The Salvation Army
Access a host of resources for family, schools, personal devotions, media including Salvationist Radio
Employment Plus Services Re-opens Wednesday 8th January 2025 9am-3pm
We offer tailored support to help people become job-ready, to get a job and stay in work. We can help with:
Learning progressions and qualifications
Assisted job search
Digital inclusion
Benefits advice & support
A listening ear
Wednesday mornings from 8th January 2025 9.00am to 3pm in the Salvation Army Hall, New Street, Rhosllanerchrugog LL14 1RE Note new times
Contact Tracey Swarbrick Regional Coordinator Employment Plus E+
Email Tracey.Swarbrick@salvationarmy.org.uk
Mobile 07786 998341
Or Captain Darren Hampton C.O.
Email Darren.Hampton@salvationarmy.org.uk
Tel 01978 757509
The next 'Churches Together' prayer meeting
Tuesday 4th February 2025 3pm in Capel Mawr 87 Osborne Street Rhosllanerchrugog LL14 2LB
Grace Lockhart Receives Key to The Salvation Army Hall Rhosllanerchrugog.
Following official approval Grace has been given a key to The Salvation Army Hall Rhosllanerchrugog so that her church 'Heaven's Way Community Church' can hold meetings on Sunday mornings. She can be seen with Captains Darren & Sharon Hampton receiving the key from Captain Darren Hampton C.O. Grace will start her meetings on Sunday 31st March Easter Sunday at 10.30am
Tesco's Ruthin invited Coedpoeth Corps to bring a band to play Welsh Tunes on St David's Day. The staff made us feel welcome providing chairs and tea and coffee at the conclusion. A collection was taken for The Salvation Army for which we gratefully thank Tesco's customers.
A Sample of Music played by the band included Crug y Bar, Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau, Llanfair, Aberystwyth, Blaenwern, David of the White Rock, Cwm Rhondda, Men of Harlech and All Through the Night. A lovely sense of fellowship was felt and we wish everyone God's blessing and Salvation.
5pm - 6pm(except where times are stated otherwise) Salvation Meeting at Rhosllanerchrugog
Sunday 12th January 5pm Covenant Sunday
Sunday 2nd March 5pm Self Denial Altar Service
Sunday 9th March 5pm Lt Colonal Jonathan Roberts Divisional Commander Wales
Mother's Day Sunday 30th March 5pm
Easter Sunday 20th April
Candidates Sunday 4th May 5pm
Sunday 11th May 2025 5pm Major Lindsay Brevitt Divisional Personnel Officer
Pentecost Sunday 8th June 5pm
2.00pm Cameo A Warm Welcome to all come and enjoy fellowship and a cuppa with a short message from the word of God
No meetings in January
3rd February 12 noon meal at The Ramada
10th February 2pm Rev Gail Woodward
10th March 2pm Captain Claire Durrant
26th May Spring Bank Holiday No Cameo meeting
25th August Summer Bank Holiday No Cameo Meeting
7.15pm Bible Study
Take a step of faith we will make you feel at home and most welcome.12 to 15 people meet regularly in a non threatening friendly way to find out what the Bible has to say to us and our modern situation. Why not give it a go you would be most welcome. We are currently studying the Old Testament book of 1 Kings
Venue: For Bible Study Coedpoeth Hall/Shared Church Queens Place Carpark Park Road Coedpoeth Bible study restarts 6th January 2025 7.15pm
Churches Together Prayer Meetings
The next Churches Together Prayer Meeting will be Tuesday 4th February 3pm in Capel Mawr 87 Osborne Street Rhosllanerchrugog LL14 2LB
7.30pm Band Practice
Practices are led by Mr Milne Robinson. We share the practice with Coedpoeth SA band and a few guests In this way we benefit and enjoy from playing together. If you are interested in coming to a practice or learning to play contact Mr Milne Robinson on Mobile no. 07711221248
7.30pm Wednesday all band practices will be all at Coedpoeth at the moment
9.00am -11.00am 'Little Fishes' Parent & Toddlers Contact Captain Sharon Hampton for further details Tel 01978 757509 or 01978 722677 last P & T this Thursday 19th December 9am till New Year. Re-opens Thursday 9th January 2025 9am
Good Friday 18th April 2025
As announced
Captain Sharon Hampton has re-started the 'Little Fishes' Parent & Toddler Group on Thursday mornings from 9-11am contact Sharon on 01978 757509 or 01978 722677 for further details.
We are pleased to say the Parent & Toddler Group is almost full.
Thursday 19th December 9am is last P & T till New Year Re-opens Thursday 9th January 2025 9am
Dedication of Children, Marriages and Funerals can be arranged through the Commanding Officer Captain Darren Hampton Tel 01978 757509 or 01978 722677
Dedication of Children
The ceremony in The Salvation Army is slightly different to that of Baptism in a Church or Chapel. Water is not used in the ceremony but it is still a presentation of the child to God in thanksgiving and a desire for God to bless and nurture the child in the Christian faith and a seeking of divine help in the bringing up of the child. The officer will be able to explain more fully if you were interested in having a dedication.
No discrimination is made as to whether it is a couple or a single parent requesting the ceremony we have found wherever people have a sincere desire to draw near to God he fulfils His promise to also draw near. Jesus loves children, and in the Bible we see accounts of Him blessing children. One way of looking at Dedication is to see it as handing your child to Jesus to put His hands on the child and to bless him or her.
Dyma erthygl newydd gan Sue Davies, Capel Y Groes, Wrexham
English Translation Below the article
Dyna eiriau un o’r caneuon pop. Ond pa fath o gariad sydd ei angen arnom? Mae’n sicr bod angen rhywbeth amgenach na’r cariad neu serch sentimental a ddarlunnir yn ein caneuon ysgafn. Fe geir mwy nag un gair am gariad yn yr iaith Roeg.
Philia sef y cariad brawdol.
Eros y cariad serchus rhamantaidd.
Storge y cariad teuluol.
Agape y cariad mwyaf aruchel, y cariad a ddangoswyd ym mywyd Iesu sef adlewyrchiad o’r cariad dwyfol. A dyma’r cariad a welwyd ym mywydau ei ddisgyblion bryd hynny ac yn ei ddisgyblion heddiw. Agape a ddefnyddiwyd gan awduron y Testament Newydd i sôn am y cariad dwyfol y cariad mwyaf mawr.
Os gofyn rhywun beth yw Duw atebwn ni, mai cariad yw. Dyma’r cariad a welwyd ym mywyd Iesu. Aeth ef allan o’i ffordd i ddangos bod pawb yn deilwng o dderbyn y cariad hwn.
Dewisodd rannu ei gariad nid yn unig gyda rhai da mewn cymdeithas ond hefyd gyda gwehilion cymdeithas. Dangosodd gariad ymarferol. Rydym ninnau i fod yn fwy tebyg i’r Iesu wrth weithredu ein cariad ni. Mae hwn y gariad sydd yn y pendraw yn medru troi gelyn yn gyfaill. Y cariad sydd y medru edrych y tu hwnt i wendidau a ffaeleddau pobl a’u caru fel y maent, dyna wnaeth Iesu a dyna wna Duw heddiw. Rhaid byw i fyny i’r geiriau a boed i eraill, drwof fi adnabod cariad Duw.
Gan Paul y cawn ddarlun o’r cariad hwn. Rhaid i gariad fod yn flaenllaw yn ein ymwneud â phawb a phob peth. Cariad o’r fath ddylai bod tu ôl i bob gweithred. Ac heb fod gennyf gariad nid wyf i ddim. Ni wna hyn ddim lles i mi! Beth am y cariad hwn felly, cariad yw sydd yn hirymarhous, yn gymwynasgar? Dydy cariad o’r fath ddim yn genfigennu, na chwaith yn ymffrostio ac yn ymchwyddo. Dydy cariad fel hyn ddim yn gwneud pethau anweddus, ddim yn ceisio ei ddibenion ei hun. Nid yw cariad o’r fath yn gwylltio, na chadw gyfrif o gam, na chwaith yn cael llawenydd mewn anghyfiawnder ond yn hytrach cydlawenhau a ‘r gwirionedd. Mae ‘r cariad aruchel hwn yn goddef i’r eithaf, yn credu i’r eithaf, yn gobeithio i’r eithaf ac yn dal ati i’r eithaf.
Dyma gariad fel y moroedd. Nid yn cariad yn darfod byth. Mewn gair y mae ffydd, gobaith, cariad, y tri hyn yn aros a’r mwyaf o’r rhain yw cariad. Dilynwch gariad yn daer.
English Translation
What the world needs now is love sweet love, it’s the only thing that there’s just too little of…not just for some but for everyone.
There are the words of one of the pop songs. But what type of love do we need? It’s sure to be the need of something rather than the love or sentimental affection that’s pictured in out light songs. We get more than one word for love in the Greek language.
Philia even brotherly love
Eros the love affectionate romantic.
Storge the family love
Agape the love most lofty, the love that was shown in the life of Jesus even a reflection of the divine love. And here is the love that was seen in the lives of the disciples at that time and in his disciples today. Agape was used by the authors of the New Testament to speak of the divine love the greatest love.
If someone asks, what is God we answer he is love! Here is the love that was seen in Jesus’ life. He went out of his way to show that everyone was worthy of receiving that love. He chose to share his love not only with the good in society but also with the scum of society. He showed practical love. We ourselves are to be more like Jesus in working out our love. That is the love that is in the ultimate able to turn an enemy into a friend. The love able to look beyond the weaknesses and failings of people and love them as they are. That did Jesus and that does God today. It is necessary to live up to the words and for others to know God’s love through me.
By Paul we get a picture of this love. It is necessary for love to be a priority in our dealing with everyone and everything. Such love should be behind every act. And without love I am nothing. That does me no good! Therefore, what about that love ? A love that is long-suffering, kind. Such love is not jealous nor boastful and puffing up with pride. Such love doesn’t do things improper doesn’t seek its own ends. Such love doesn’t fly off the handle, nor keep account of wrong, nor get joy in unrighteousness but rather rejoices together with the truth. This exalted love suffers to the uttermost, believes to the uttermost, endures to the end.
Here is love like the seas a love never coming to an end. In a word it is faith, hope, love these three that last and the greatest of these is love. Follow love earnestly.
Dyma erthygl gan Dafydd Owens Capel Mawr Rhosllanerchrugog
English Translation Below the article
Dydi Duw ddim yn bell i ffwrdd. Does dim rhaid mynd ar bererindod i wlad bell i ddod o hyd iddo. Mae o yn ymyl ac yn gwybod pob peth amdanom. Mae’n debyg nad oes dim rhaid dweud hyn. Mae rhywbeth ynom sydd yn dweud bod hynny’n wir. Onid ydi’r anffyddiwr (aetheist) mwyaf yn ffeindio ei hun yn gweddio pan y mae mewn argyfwng.
Mae agosrwydd Duw yn gallu bod yn gysur mawr i ni. O leiaf, dyna brofiad awdur Salm 139 a llawer o rai eraill ar hyd yr oesau.
Y broblem yn aml ydi ein bod ni ddim eisiau dod o hyd iddo, ond mynd ffordd ein hunain mewn bywyd. Ond os oes gennym awydd i’w adnabod; os oes gennym awydd i’n bywydau fod ar sylfaen gadarn, mi fydd yn siwr o wrando arnom. Wedi’r cwbl mae Duw yn wahanol i ni. Y mae, bob amser, yn cadw ei addewidion.
Dyma ddwedodd Iesu Grist; “Daliwch ati i ofyn a byddwch yn ei gael; chwiliwch a byddwch yn dod o hyd iddo; curwch ar y drws a bydd yn cael ei agor” (Efengyl Mathew pennod 7 ac adnod 7).
Pe baem yn paratoi i fynd i gyfarfod â’r brenin yn y ‘garden party’ ym mhalas Buckingham, mae’n debyg y byddem yn prynu dillad newydd ac addas. Ac ar y diwrnod, mae’n siwr y byddem yn gwneud ymdrech i greu argraff dda! Pan feddyliwn am ddod at Dduw, efallai y byddem yn gofyn pa bryd y mae dechrau gwneud beth sydd yn iawn, a bod o ddifri i wneud be ddylem. Yr ateb, wrth gwrs, ydi rwan, heddiw, yn syth! Os ydym yn gofyn pa bryd y byddwn yn ddigon da, yr ateb ydi, na fyddwn ni byth yn ddigon da. Ond rhaid dod serch hynny.
Mae Duw yn gwybod nad ydym yn ddigon da. Mae’n gwybod ein bod wedi methu mewn cymaint o bethau. Dyna pam yr anfonodd Ei Fab, yr Arglwydd Iesu Grist, i’r byd, i ni gael dod yn agos at Dduw drwyddo.
Iesu Grist ydi’r person i ymddiried yn llwyr ynddo. Mae’n maddau staen y gorffennol – popeth drwg oedd yn cael cartref yn ein meddyliau, a phob gweithred drwg. Dyna pam y bu farw ar y groes.
Mae’n rhoddi i ni gychwyn newydd mewn bywyd. A dweud y gwir, mae’n fywyd newydd. Mi fydd yn dechrau dangos, ein bod (i fenthyg geiriau’r gân) “yn bobl newydd yn yr un hen le”.
Ar ben hynny, mi fydd Duw yn Dad i ni. Mae cael dyn da yn dad yn rhywbeth i fod yn ddiolchgar amdano. Mae cael Duw yn Dad yn fendith sydd yn mynd i barhau am byth.
English Translation
Finding God
GOD IS NOT FAR AWAY. There is no need to go on a pilgrimage to a far country to find Him. He is at our side and knows every thing about us. It is likely we don't need to say this. There is something in us which says this is true. doesn't the greatest atheist find himself praying when in an emergency.
THE PROBLEM The problem is often we don't want to find Him but want go our own way in life. However, if we have a desire to know Him, if we have a desire for our lives to be on a sure foundation, He will be sure to listen to us. After all God is different to us he is always keeping his promises. This is what Jesus Christ says "Keep asking and you will receive, seek and you will find Him, knock and the door will be opened" Mathew c. 7 v. 7
IF WE WERE GOING TO MEET THE KING in a garden party at Buckingham Palace it's likely we would buy new suitable clothes and on the day it's sure we would make an effort to create a good impression. When we think of coming to God perhaps we would ask, when to begin doing what is right and be serious to do what we should. The answer of course is now, today, straight away! If we ask, when will we be good enough, the answer is we will never be good enough but we must come nevertheless. God knows we are not good enough, he knows we have failed in so many things. That's why he sent His Son, The Lord Jesus Christ to the world for us to get to come close to God through Him.
JESUS CHRIST IS THE PERSON TO TRUST TOTALLY He forgives the stain of the past-everything evil that's got a home in our thoughts, every evil act, That is why He died on the cross. He gives to us a new start in life. To tell the truth it's New Life he will begin to show us as (to borrow the words of the song) "New people in the same old place" On top of this, God is a Father to us. To have a good father is something to be thankful for. To get God as a Father is a blessing which is going to continue for ever.
Dyma erthygl gan Uwchgapten John Howarth (wedi ymddeol) Corfflu Rhosllanerchrugog
Annwyl Cyfeillion English Translation Below
Un noson rhoddodd gwraig i mi lyfr a’r teitl ‘Hanes Eglwys Penuel Rhosllanerchrugog’. Doeddwn i ddim wedi gofyn iddi wneud mae hi wedi penderfynu ar ysgogiad i’w fenthyg. Roedd yn diddorol iawn ei ddarllen ag yn mynd yn ôl at y Piwritaniaid yn Wrecsam am Vavasour Powell a Morgan Llwyd a hefyd y Bedyddwyr. Ymhen amser cyrhaeddais hanes y diwygiad yn Rhos yn 1904-5. Adfywiad yw yr angen mwyaf yr Eglwys a’r Capeli a Byddin y Iachawdwriaeth heddiw oherwydd bod ein cefnau at y wal. O ble daw ein Cymorth? Salm 121 oddi wrth yr Arglwydd a wnaeth nefoedd a daear. Rhaid i ni Droi at Dduw a ei wyneb gan ymprydio ac yn edifarhau am ein pechodau a’n camweddau. Heb i aelodau y Capeli a corffluoedd Fyddin yr Iachawdwriaeth fod mewn cytundeb gyda Arglwydd nid oes gobaith. Darllenais mewn lyfr Cymraeg arall am ddyn yn dweud ‘Mai angen yr Eglwys o bryd i’w gilydd yw diwygiad neu bydd yr eglwys farw’! Mae ‘r proffwyd Joel yn sôn am ein sefyllfa lle’r oedd pla’r locust wedi dod tro ar ôl tro a does dim llawer ar ôl. Mae’r proffwyd yn dangos yr ateb ‘Y cyfarfod gweddi’ Mae Eglwysi Rhos Ynghyd wedi trefnu cyfarfod gweddi unwaith y mis ac ar y poster cyntaf yn cyhoeddi’r cyfarfod gweddi roedden ni wedi rhoi y adnod 2 Cronicles 7 : 14 Doeddwn i ddim yn gwybod bod Evan Roberts wedi nodi’r un adnod yn ei feibl ei hun yn gweddïo dros yr adnod am un mlynedd ar ddeg am adfywiad. Dechreuodd y diwygiad 1904-5 ym mis Tachwedd 1904 gyda’r parchedig R. B. Jones yn pregethu yng nghapel Penuel ar gweledigaeth Eseia yn y deml. Eseia p. 6. Y pedair pregeth gyntaf ddechreuodd y diwygiad oeddynt
1. Gweledigaeth o Dduw yw angen dyfnaf a mwyaf yr eglwys
2. Mai yr agwedd gyntaf ar Dduw i’w dirnad gan yr eglwys ydyw ei sancteiddrwydd.
3. Brenhiniaeth Crist
4. Ganlyniadau gweld Duw yn ei sancteiddrwydd Trodd llawer o bobl at Dduw ac roedd y cyfarfodydd gweddi yn llawn o bobl yn ceisio Duw. Dyma lle i ni cael ein diwygiad personol dyma calon y diwygiad.
English Translation
One night a woman gave to me a book and the title ‘History of Chapel Penuel Rhosllanerchrugog’ I hadn’t asked her for a loan she decided on the spur of the moment. It was very interesting reading it and going back to the puritans in Wrexham and Vavasor Powell and Morgan Llwyd and also the Baptists. In time I reached the story of the revival in Rhosllanerchrugog in 1904-5. Revival is the greatest need of the church and chapels and The Salvation Army today because our backs are to the wall. Where does our help come from? Psalm 121 from the Lord who made heaven and earth. We must turn to God and His face by fasting and repentance of our sins and iniquities. Unless the members of the chapels and Salvation Army corps are in accord with the Lord there is no hope. I read in another Welsh book a man saying, ‘The need of the church from time to time is revival or else the church will die’. The prophet Joel speaks about our situation where a plague of locusts had come time after time and there was not much left. The prophet shows the answer ‘The Prayer Meeting ‘ Churches Together Rhosllanerchrugog have arranged a prayer meeting once a month and on the first poster, announcing the prayer meeting, we put the verse 2 Chronicles 7 v. 14. I didn’t know that Evan Roberts had noted the same verse in his own Bible praying over it for eleven years. The revival began in November 1904 with R. B. Jones preaching in Penuel Chapel about Isaiah’s vision in the temple Isaiah c.6 The first four sermons to begin the Revival were, 1. A vision of God is the deepest and greatest need of the church. 2. The first aspect of God to be discerned by the church is his holiness. 3. The kingship of Christ 4. Results of seeing God in his holiness Many people turned to God and the prayer meetings were full of people seeking God. Here is the place to get our personal revival here is the heart of revival.
John Howarth Major (Retired)