The Salvation Army Preschool, Nursery and Holiday Club

The Salvation Army Preschool, Nursery and Holiday Club

The Salvation Army Preschool, Nursery and Holiday Club was registered in 2023 (due to change of address). The setting opens from Monday to Friday all year round. Sessions are from 8am until 6pm. The setting provides Government funded early education for two-, three- and four-year-old children and Working Families funding places.  Available to children aged between two to eleven years old.


The Salvation Army Preschool, Nursery and Holiday Club
Nelson Road, 
Gillingham Kent 
ME7 4LH 

Unique Reference Number (URN): EY2740815

Ofsted Rated: waiting new inspection
Before recent move to new premises EY486928, outstanding Jan 2023.

Manager: Amanda Harmer


Mobile: 07872403917