
Educational resources for teachers

Teach about the work and faith of The Salvation Army and provide your pupils with a thought-provoking and creative learning experience.   

Discover what resources we offer below. 


Educational Resources

Our resources for both Primary and Secondary school students explore a range of topics and themes and are suitable for assemblies, lessons and talks.

Find out more
History Thumbnail

Free information pack

Get in touch for a free information pack. Just send us your school address and let us know if you would like a primary or a secondary school information pack.

Email us
Pupils on the floor under blankets

School visits

Get in touch if you would like to organise a visit to your local Salvation Army church or a speaker to lead an assembly or a lesson.

Email us


Educational resources for officers, teachers, and pupils.

Pupils and Students

Educational resources for pupils and students who want to learn more about The Salvation Army.

Contact us

For information and questions around these resources, please contact the team at:

Email: resources@salvationarmy.org.uk

Phone: 020 7367 4706