Not only because you need something, but because you have something to be thankful for.
Where we are
Rhodes Place
BD17 7DL
United Kingdom
Not only because you need something, but because you have something to be thankful for.
Rhodes Place
BD17 7DL
United Kingdom
10.30am Morning Worship
1pm-3pm After morning worship- after church activity (Changes every month)
6pm-8pm Youth club twice a month.
9.30am – 11am Toddler Group for Families
9.30am – 11am Toddler Group for childminders
3:30pm-5:30pm- Family after school club (includes meal).
6:15pm Brass Band Learners.
7pm Brass Band Rehearsal.
10am 12- craft and chat
7pm Ladies Fellowship (once a month on 2nd Friday)
To donate to us and the work we do in Shipley, please use the button to visit our JustGiving page.