Breaking the cycle of homelessness
All the latest news from the Salvation Army
All the latest news from the Salvation Army
All the latest news from the Salvation Army
From Salvationist 15 August 2020. Rhoda Atkinson (Croydon Citadel) writes about her Christian witness in the office and while working from home
From Salvationist 30 May 2020. Bill Hamilton recalls a woman of faith and obedience
All the latest news from the Salvation Army
“Since I’ve been here, it’s saved my life. It’s unbelievable. Being here and being around people socially is great as being on my own is difficult for me. The support you get here is amazing.”
Winette Field, Librarian of William Booth College, returns for another guest blog relaying the findings of a collaborative research project into the life of The Salvation Army's 'oldest soldier', Honor Salthouse.
From Salvationist 13 November 2021. Marc Muller describes the work of L’Armée du Salut during the First World War