Based in Cardiff - Provides places under the 'Flying Start Scheme', for children aged 2-3 years
Prudential RideLondon Surrey Thank You page
Corporate volunteering offers a unique avenue for businesses to actively engage with and contribute to the well-being of the communities they serve.
From Salvationist 14 August 2021. In this series, Shield Books authors talk about the books they’ve written and the books they love – this week Book Editor Rebecca Goldsmith interviews Major Melvyn Jones
Thousands of people took part in the Ice Bucket Challenge aid of the ALS Association and Motor Neurone Disease Association.
We are seeing unprecedented demand at our food banks, where the debilitating effects of poverty on people and families are witnessed on a daily basis.
Providing people with continuity of support as they move towards recovery and independence on their journey to sustained freedom.
Melvyn Jones explains that while we are called to unity in the body of Christ, it is not a one-size-fits-all unity. Rather, it is unity in diversity.
Commissioner Cotterill adds voice to world faith leaders urging countries to share vaccines.
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