The Big Toy Appeal aims to bring the joy of Christmas to children who would otherwise go without.
Tags on the tree feature details of a child that needs support from the Christmas Present Appeal.
Church hosted a Christmas dinner and cooked turkey and all the trimmings for residents at a nearby housing complex.
A new survey of the South West and Bristol residents has revealed that a host of Christmas traditions are falling by the wayside because modern life is taking over.
Despite being in work, many young adults are in such financial dire straits they will need to rely on charity this Christmas.
As temperatures dip our church in Atherton gives out winter accessories to homeless to keep warm.
A big thank you to the team at Hinkley Point for supporting our Christmas Appeal in Bridgwater.
The first 40,000 DVDs of A Christmas Gift from Bob, will include details of The Salvation Army’s homelessness work.
Last year, more than 84,000 toys and gifts for children were distributed
This is the third year that 12-year-old Oscar has donated to Batley Salvation Army.