Hull Icehouse will open its doors to people over 60 to enjoy Christmas dinner and festivities.
Over 200 families are signed up to receive support through our corps Christmas Present Appeal.
Generous donations from across the county bring Christmas joy to struggling families.
Our Oldham church will be working with families that will struggle when schools close for Christmas.
Celebrity guests and Salvation Army musicians kicked off the festive season with a celebration of Christmas music.
The Big Toy Appeal aims to bring the joy of Christmas to children who would otherwise go without.
Tags on the tree feature details of a child that needs support from the Christmas Present Appeal.
Church hosted a Christmas dinner and cooked turkey and all the trimmings for residents at a nearby housing complex.
Despite being in work, many young adults are in such financial dire straits they will need to rely on charity this Christmas.
As temperatures dip our church in Atherton gives out winter accessories to homeless to keep warm.