Strawberry Field
Strawberry Field has been in the care of The Salvation Army since the 1930s as a place that supports vulnerable young people and a site of spirituality and inspiration. This legacy continues with The Salvation Army’s redevelopment of Strawberry Field to give young people with learning disabilities in Liverpool the chance to succeed, and honour the site that inspired John Lennon.

We have developed Strawberry Field into a centre where these young people can join our Steps to Work programme.The Steps to Work programme at Strawberry Field is a 12 to 18 month scheme that offers young adults with learning disabilities and other barriers to employment the opportunity to gain skills and work experience to help them achieve their goals.

Inclusion and Disability
Providing opportunities for everyone regardless of background and ability

Our Work - Inclusive
We work to ensure that people with disabilities are given real opportunities

The George Steven Community Hub
The George Steven Community Hub provides a secure environment for adults with learning disabilities.

Our enabled community provides empowering spiritual and social fellowship for people with disabilities