

Sunday Worship: 3.30pm

Bible Study: Tuesday 7.30pm at Newton Abbot SA

Coffee Morning: Thursday 10am - 12 Noon

Citizens Advice: Thursday 9.30am - 12.30pm

Band & Singing Group Rehearsals: 7.30pm (Band) 8.15pm (Singing Group) At Newton Abbot SA

Sale of Salvation Army Literature: Friday 11am - 1pm

We work with The Salvation Army at Newton Abbot to provide a range of activities across Teignbridge.
We are ONE Salvation Army family. 

Where we are

17 Brunswick Street
TQ14 8AE
United Kingdom

Email address: Teignmouth@salvationarmy.org.uk

Phone: 01626 369053

50.5452312, -3.497071