Upper Norwood & Crystal Palace Community Church

Christian Community Church

If you're not perfect - you'll fit in perfectly

We're a friendly church with music, prayers, Bible talk and refreshments.

Sundays @ 10:30 - 11:45.

We love JESUS...and trust the Bible...

An imperfect church, for imperfect people :-)

Everyone is most welcome!

* We have a Children's Church too! *

Where we are

58 Westow Street
Crystal Palace
SE19 3AF
United Kingdom

Email address: Philip.Layton@salvationarmy.org.uk


Major Phil Layton BA(Hons) MTh


Major Karen Layton DipHE

We are open for church services every Sunday 1030-1145am and you would be very welcome!

We're an imperfect church - for imperfect people
NASA Hubble - In the beginning - God
Either an infinite Being created everything - or absolutely nothing created everything. You decide!"
Phil Layton
I consider that the chief dangers which confront the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost; Christianity without Christ; forgiveness without repentance; salvation without regeneration; politics without God; and Heaven without Hell."
William Booth (Founder of The Salvation Army)
I am the Resurrection and the Life
I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die"
Jesus Christ
I believe in Christ, like I believe in the sun - not because I can see it, but because by it I can see everything else."
CS Lewis
Be reconciled to God, through trusting in Jesus Christ
All I know is that I'm a sinner and that God has forgiven me of my sins. Because I put my faith and trust in Jesus Christ. "
Franklin Graham
Christmas Present Appeal

Thank you for helping us ensure vulnerable children in our community have a gift to open at Christmas. 

Our Christmas Appeal Wish List suggests toys and presents for different age groups. 

THANK YOU ~ and we wish you a joyful and meaningful Christmas.

blue silk donation logo

Thank you for helping us to help others...

You can financially support the local work of The Salvation Army securely by using our Justgiving page, where you can make one off or regular payments which suit your budget, and where your money will be directed to our work within the local community...

Click here to make a donation - Thank you!

*Please note that the links at the very top of this page, and those underneath this line, are standardised links/messages from our HeadQuarters, and will not be received by our local Salvation Army.*
