Application process

Stages to becoming an officer or envoy

There are four stages in the assessment process. This section outlines a brief summary of each stage.  

Throughout the process applicants will be required to attend a number of interviews. The Divisional Candidates Board also meet regularly throughout the process to assess the application and decides whether to move the application on to further stages.

Stage 1 - Interest

If you feel that God is leading you to consider spiritual leadership, you will need to discuss this with your Corps Officer and tell her/him that you would like to make an application.

Each applicant will be required to complete a Self-Assessment Form. On completion of this, the applicant decides whether or nor to continue with the application.

During this stage an applicant will also need to complete an Application and Commitment Form, and be visited in her/his own home to be interviewed.

Stage 2 - Application

This stage involves the applicant regularly meeting with her/his sponsoring officer (usually the Corps Officer). There will also be a family/household interview (for one-spouse applicants, or those with children living at home), and references will be taken.

Each applicant is required to attend and complete a medical and psychological evaluation.

Stage 3 - Development

Ongoing development is important for all in spiritual leadership. The development stage crosses the other stages and can be worked on continuously. After reflecting on areas for development the applicant, in consultation and agreement with the Sponsoring Officer and Divisional Leader/Officer for Leadership Development, will complete the Applicant Development Plan.

It is encouraged that applicants keep a record of activities they have done towards their ongoing development.

Stage 4 - Assessment Conference

The applicant attends a residential Assessment Conference which takes place from Friday to Sunday. This includes an opportunity to share about who they are, panel and individual interviews, a role play, delivery of a sermon and an administration task.

The recommendations are presented to the Territorial Commander at the Territorial Candidates Council and a decision is made who to accept for training as an officer or as a territorial envoy. 

For further information, contact your Corps Officer, Area Candidates Officer or Divisional Leader/Officer for Leadership Development.

Contact us for more information:


Phone: 020 7326 2820