Together, we can help bring hope to those who are in despair this winter


Opening doors for people who are homeless and providing them with somewhere safe and warm to stay is what The Salvation Army does best.  

By donating a gift today, you can help us open a door to more people who are homeless and in need.

Help us help people like Scott.

When Scott’s relationship broke down, he had to move out of the home he shared with his partner and their young son. Having nowhere to go, he was forced to stay in a friend’s caravan. Feeling desperately sad and missing his son, he fell into a life of heavy drinking.

'It was a short-term solution, but during that time I had a bit of a breakdown. I started drinking as a way to block out being away from my boy. I didn’t want him to see me like that and then I would drink because I wasn’t seeing him and that became a vicious circle. The root cause of it was me, having a battle with myself.’

Scott's reliance on alcohol worsened and led to him becoming homeless one Christmas – he was cold, miserable and lonely. It was not until he found refuge at a Salvation Army Lifehouse (a residential centre for homeless people) that he's been able to start rebuilding his life. His relationship with his son is now better than ever, and he is being supported to find a full-time job and somewhere permanent to live.

‘When I got there, I started to get myself back on the right track. There is always a support worker or someone here I can talk to. I always know that I am not alone.’

For The Salvation Army it is unthinkable that people should be living on the streets in the bitter cold, especially at Christmas. No one should have to live on the streets. No one should have to be alone. That’s why we won’t rest until we’ve reached out to as many suffering and vulnerable people as we can.

Thank you for donating to our Winter Appeal, whatever you can give will help us be there for the people who need us most.

91p out of every pound donated is spent on supporting vulnerable people in communities across the country.