Help us bring people in from the cold


During this period of cold weather, we want to urgently reach out to those who are most affected – people living on the street.

With the current cost-of-living crisis, we expect more and more people to find themselves living on the street, without the warmth and comfort of a home of their own. In over 600 communities across the UK, we will be doing all we can for them, whatever their circumstances.

For The Salvation Army it is unthinkable that people should be living on the streets in the bitter cold. That’s why we are committed to bringing as many vulnerable people in from the cold as we can.

Please support our work this winter so we can provide the security, warmth and comfort of a safe space to sleep for people who are homeless.

Donations made to the Cold Weather campaign will fund our work across the UK to support those who are homeless. Read more about our work to break the cycle of homelessness

A gift of:

£12 could provide one hour of support work for a homeless person in one of our residential centres (Lifehouses) to help them get back on their feet and make a fresh start.

£31 could provide 1 hour of social enterprise training for 3 homeless people in one of our residential centres (Lifehouses).

£49 could meet the cost of an officer to run a Salvation Army centre for a day - to keep the door open for vulnerable people.