Coventry City

A church in the heart of the city that seeks to:

Love God more, to love people more and to make more disciples.

Our core values:


We are a friendly, approachable and inclusive church community offering a warm welcome for everyone attending our church services and community activities.


We offer our praise and thanksgiving to God through vibrant and authentic worship. In believing that our whole lives constitute an act of worship, we seek to maintain the highest standards at all times.


Prayer is intrinsic to all that we do and all that we are, both as individuals, and as a church. Through prayer we strive to continually grow in grace, to be effective in mission and live as authentic disciples of Jesus Christ.


Our ambition is to grow spiritually as disciples of Jesus Christ through prayer, through the study of scripture and through a committed personal relationship with The Holy Spirit.


As disciples of Jesus Christ, we seek to promote the good news of the Christian Gospel through our love for others, compassion for those in need and a burning desire to make Disciples.


Where we are

Upper Well Street
United Kingdom

Email address:

Phone: 02476 552 183

Jenny Forman

Corps Officer

Steve Forman

Corps Officer

If you would like to supporting our work with a one off donation, please text COVENTRY followed by the amount you wish to donate to  70450
Example: Text COVENTRY5 to 70450 to make a one-off donation of £5.

To support with regular monthly donation, text COVENTRYREG followed by the amount to 70450
Example: Text COVENTRYREG 5 to 70450 to set up a regular donation of £5 per month.

Alternatively, please use the JustGiving link to donate online.

Weekday Programme


  • 9.30am-4pm SHAW TRUST- Employment support   
  • 10am-12pm MONDAY FREE TIME social group (fortnightly)   
  • 10.15am-2.15pm  COMMUNITY CAFE (Last orders at 1.45pm)
  • 11.30am-12.30pm KEEP FIT with Lain
  • 12pm-12:45pm COOKED LUNCHES (£3.50)
  • 1pm-3.30pm ENGLISH class *
  • 1:15pm - 2:15pm CAMEO.- Come And Meet Each Other
  • 7:30pm-9pm DIABETES UK (6 times a year. Enquire for more info)


  • 9.30am-4pm SHAW TRUST- Employment support 
  • 10.15am-2.15pm  COMMUNITY CAFE (Last orders at 1.45pm)
  • 10.15am-11.45am BREAKFAST CLUB (£3)
  • 10.30am-12pm KNITTING GROUP
  • 12pm - 3pm ESOL*
  • 1:45pm-3pm DANCE FIT 
  • 8pm - 9:45pm SONGSTER REHEARSAL


  • 9.30am-12.30pm SHAW TRUST- Employment support   
  • 10.15am-2.15pm  COMMUNITY CAFE (Last orders at 1.45pm)
  • 11.30am-12.30pm KEEP FIT with Lain


  • 10.30-12pm BIBLE STUDY
  • 7:45pm - 9:50pm BAND REHEARSAL


  • 10am - 11:30am SUNBEAMS (Toddler group)
  • 10.15am-2.15pm  COMMUNITY CAFE (Last orders at 1.45pm)
  • 10.15am-11.15am PILATES with Sam
  • 11:30am-12:30pm PILATES with Sam
  • 11.30am-12.30pm- KEEP FIT with Lain
  • 1pm - 3pm ESOL*
  • 6:30pm-8:30pm NR:GEE- Youth club for children and young people in school years 6-13.
  • 8:00pm-10:00pm IGNITE Youth Chorus for ages 15-30 (last Friday of the month)
  • 8:30pm-10:30pm HANGOUT ZONE for ages 16-25 (first Friday of the month)

* In partnership with Adult Education Services.


We have weekly church services at 10.30am. We also have a handful of afternoon/ evening services at different points throughout the year. 

If you are unable to join us, in person, you can access the church service, by clicking on the link below.