Income Generation
Income Generation is one of The Salvation Army International Development UK's six areas of work.
We are walking alongside communities as they work together to lift themselves out of poverty.
The Salvation Army in the United Kingdom and Ireland territory supports a number of Income Generation projects such as self-help groups in Kenya and village savings and loans groups in Tanzania to help communities to use their skills and locally-available resources to lift themselves out of poverty.

Savings and Loans Groups, Kenya
In the urban slums of Nairobi, Kenya, every day is a struggle for survival. But individuals are joining together to form community self-help groups to overcome poverty. As part of the group, members regularly contribute small amounts of money to build up a communal fund. They can then each take loans from this shared pot to start or expand their business, or pay for unexpected costs. More than 60 groups are running in Nairobi, reaching 1,200 members and their families.
The Salvation Army is training individuals in business management, accounting, marketing, healthcare and anti-human trafficking helps to improve opportunities, grow confidence, generate income and strengthen resilience within the whole community.
Areas of Work
We work alongside communities in the areas of Anti-Trafficking, Clean Water, Emergency Response, Food Security, Gender Justice and Income Generation to support them to overcome poverty and injustice. We are also responsible for overseeing the transfer of funds for the UK’s Mission Support Allocation (money donated through the annual Self-Denial Appeal).

Working through prevention, protection and partnership to tackle human trafficking and support survivors.

Clean Water
Working alongside communities to improve access to clean water and improved sanitation.

Food Security
Working alongside communities to overcome food insecurity

Women and Girls
Working with women to pursue gender justice and address inequality.

Emergency Response
Responding to disasters and emergency situations to provide immediate support and relief.

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International Development
Supporting communities around the world to overcome poverty and injustice