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a woman working in a nail bar anxiously looking over her shoulder.

Protect survivors' rights

Victims of modern slavery need our help now more than ever, as a new law could make it harder for them to access support to help them escape their captors.

Email your MP

Protect survivors rights

As the Illegal Migration Bill becomes law without any protections put in place for victims of modern slavery, we promise to keep fighting to make their voices heard.

Spot the signs

Learn the tell-tale signs of modern slavery, and where to get help for victims.

Am I Safe Now

Join the fight to end modern slavery. Learn how to spot the signs and what to if you see something.

The real cost of modern slavery

Cheap services and labour - Spot the signs of modern slavery

Hidden in plain sight

Modern slavery is hidden in plain sight - how can you help?


#askthequestion: is this product or service #slavefree?

Domestic slavery

Domestic slavery and people trafficking - It's closer than you think

Drive for freedom

All the latest news from the Salvation Army