99 Squadron's 99km challenge raises over £2,500

published on 10 Jul 2020

36 soldiers from Aldershot Garrison in Hampshire ran almost 4,000km in May to raise over £2,500 for The Salvation Army’s Covid-19 relief work.

Braving the May heatwave, they each took on the challenge to run 99km in seven days or less with many running 14km every day for a week.

Some even wore 10kg backpacks to challenge themselves further while one super-fit individual completed the challenge by running an incredible 99km in just one day.

Members from 99 Squadron of 29 Regiment of the Royal Logistics Corps took on the challenge between 18 and 24 May as part of their daily lockdown exercise and ran a total of 3,850km.

“The main challenge faced was the heatwave that we experienced that week. The conditions were too hot to run in, so we had to move our runs to early morning or late evening but even at these times it was immensely hot” said Private Conor Wolohan from 99 Squadron of 29 Regiment Royal Logistics Corps.


99 Squadron
We chose The Salvation Army because of the amazing support you’re offering people throughout the lockdown period. We’re incredibly thankful for everyone’s generous donations and interest in our challenge and it was our pleasure to raise money for The Salvation Army.
Private Conor Wolohan, 99 Squadron of 29 Regiment Royal Logistics Corps

“We just made sure to keep hydrated and kept an eye on the temperature throughout the day. It took us out of our comfort zone also. Not many people are used to that amount of mileage every single day, especially without a rest day. It really showed us what we’re capable of.

“We chose The Salvation Army because of the amazing support you’re offering people throughout the lockdown period. From foodbanks, to supporting isolation units for NHS, we really wanted to do something to help. Our target was £1,500 and in total, we raised £2,748 so we were really pleased with this. We’re incredibly thankful for everyone’s generous donations and interest in our challenge and it was our pleasure to raise money for The Salvation Army.”

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