Families must not suffer to fill the budget ‘black hole’

published on 31 Jul 2024

The Salvation Army responds to Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rachel Reeves’ public finances statement: welcomes commitment to supporting people into work, but warns against measures that could drive people further into poverty.

Lieutenant Colonel Nick Coke of The Salvation Army said: 

“The Salvation Army is very concerned that the vulnerable families we support will have to shoulder the burden as the Government manages the nations finances. We recognise that difficult decisions will have to be made but for our whole society and the economy to thrive it must invest in our most marginalised families, not drive them further into poverty.

“We hope Government will use its review of the welfare system to make sure benefits properly cover the cost of housing and other basic essentials – and to remove the two-child benefit cap. We must ease the burden of those who have been suffering for too long.

“However, we are pleased with the focus on supporting people into work. The Salvation Army have been helping marginalised people into employment for well over a century. Empowering people to provide for themselves helps families out of poverty and grows economic prosperity.

“We know through our Employment Plus work that many people are trapped in unemployment for many years by ill health, caring responsibilities or lack of up-to-date skills.  We would urge the Government to work with trusted community partners like The Salvation Army as we know how to help people over the considerable barriers that are holding people back from work.” 

In particular, The Salvation Army urges Government to:

  • Reverse the planned Housing Benefit freeze to ensure that those eligible for help get the support they’re entitled to, helping to remove the threat of homelessness. 
  • Remove the cap on two child benefits
  • Ensure our welfare system provides the support and dignity for those in need by making sure the system covers the cost of essential goods
  • Widen the group of people eligible for employability support from the state
  • Support trusted community groups working with those struggling to get back into work; there cannot be an overreliance on Jobcentres. 

The Salvation Army’s Families First campaign

The Salvation Army’s Families First campaign asks people to stand alongside families who are trapped in poverty through signing petition urging Government to prioritise family support.

Sign petition now.
A young girl with a colourful hoodie and a headband, standing on artificial grass with people playing football in the background.

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