Homeless lifehouse kitted out thanks to Ikea donation

published on 21 Feb 2022

Residents at a Salvation Army homeless shelter in Glasgow have been made to feel more at home thanks to Ikea.

The Swedish company donated £27,000 worth of furniture that was used during the city's recent COP26 climate summit.

William Hunter House Lifehouse, which provides short-term supported accommodation for people experiencing homelessness, was given tables and chairs for its lounge as well as other furnishings for residents' rooms.


It makes the centre feel more relaxing. More like a home. It has encouraged people to sit and share some time together rather than in our their rooms, which is good for their mental health
John, resident at William Hunter Lifehouse

The new furniture is from over 6,000 items provided to the conference in November which IKEA is donating to charities, community groups and third sector organisations to make sure they have a second life.

John, a resident at William Hunter House, reckons the donation had made the centre feel more like a home.

He said: "It's made a massive difference to day-to-day life. The furniture we had before was comfortable but this new stuff is really smart and modern and just transforms the lounge space. It makes the centre feel more relaxing. More like a home. It has encouraged people to sit and share some time together rather than in our their rooms, which is good for their mental health."

Laura Thomson, programme co-ordinator at the centre, thanked Ikea and said the new furniture had created a bit of a buzz for residents. 

She said: "It's been great to see the reaction to the newly furnished lounge. The furniture is top quality ad has made the spaces in our centre more accessible and welcoming.

"People have been really excited to come in and sit for a coffee and have a chat with other residents. That's been great to see.”

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