International Development: The latest edition of DEVELOP magazine is out now!

published on 9 Oct 2015

This issue of DEVELOP is all about transformation. Read about the different ways we're seeing lives transformed in the communities we are working alongside; from planting trees in the Democratic Republic of Congo to address malnutrition, to setting up savings groups in Malawi to support people as they work together to overcome their material poverty.

Our feature story, Towards Transformation considers our assumptions about poverty and how this has changed to mean more than simply a lack of material things, but also spiritual, emotional and relational. We reflect on how, as our understanding of poverty deepens, we see transformation in the way we look at the world and how we should respond to poverty in all its forms.

DEVELOP always features exciting updates, photos and stories from our projects as well as opportunities for you to get involved in supporting The Salvation Army's international development work. If you would like to receive a copy of the magazine in the post, contact us at or 020 7367 4777.