Knitting group creates toys for children around the world

published on 30 Aug 2022

Salvation Army knitting group create toys for children around the world

A group of knitters have taken to their needles to knit toys for disadvantaged children around the world.

Our church and community centre in Farnworth hosts a weekly knitting group, affectionately named Knit ‘n’ Natter and the selfless knitters recently created a range of knitted toys for vulnerable children in a variety of countries including Ukraine and Africa.

The group, made up of approximately 12-14 knitters each week, have in the past knitted items for maternity units, creating garments for premature babies, and decided this time to turn their needles to knitting toys instead.

Farnworth Knit 'n' Natter
The group brings people of all ages together and gives a sense of achievement, knitting for fun and special causes. It is a way everyone can share their Christian love and have a good chat in the process.”
Beverley Picton, Community Manager, The Salvation Army Farnworth

Joan Taylor, 85, the founder of the group, which started five years ago, and creator of some of the toys, welcomed the suggestion to create the items. She said: “It’s nice to make something for others and knowing some of our creations go to such worthwhile causes feels very rewarding.

“I look forward to the group each week; it gets me out and about and I can meet like-minded people whilst also keeping my brain working and enjoying a coffee and a chat too! When we hear of a need, we all talk about it and then we “do”. We want to be useful and put smiles on the faces of others.”

Taking place on a Tuesday afternoon, from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm, at The Salvation Army in Farnworth, located on Brackley Street, the group joined forces with another local church, Kearsley Mount Methodist Church, to send the creations to the various countries to bring smiles to the faces of many children.

Beverley Picton, community manager of The Salvation Army in Farnworth said: “Our knitting group is a bunch of really lovely ladies that meet up to bring their passion for knitting and desire to do things for others together, and as a result decided upon this selfless project, to bring joy to children’s faces, and we couldn’t be prouder.

“The group brings people of all ages together and gives a sense of achievement, knitting for fun and special causes. It is a way everyone can share their Christian love and have a good chat in the process.”

The Salvation Army in Farnworth offers a wide programme of weekly activities for the local community and also has two other churches across Bolton; the Citadel located on St George’s Road and Bolton South on Aldred Street.

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